Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Todays blog is in memory of Jennie Bettles.
I didn't know Jennie very well met her a couple times. She had a passion for the outdoors, like myself. Last week she took a fall coming down off of Half dome.

My heart goes out to her friends and family during this time. I have lost so many people in my life, and understand the pain of losing a loved one.
I am running Mt Diablo 50 miler Sunday, and I will run in Jennies memory.
Friends this reminds us life is to short. Live your life to the fullest like Jennie.
Jennie I will meet you again on the trail up in the sky until then run on beautiful soul.


Anonymous said...

That is a very touching way to remember somone

GB said...

Prayers for Jennie. Thanks for letting us know about her.

Catra said...

hey gripperm. Thanks!

Catra said...

Hey GB-
Thanks for the post

Geoff said...

as usual you are showing respect, care, and love for others. very admirable. have fun in the 50 this weekend.

Anonymous said...


You spirit speaks wonders to the beautiful soul within your being.
Thanks for inspiring me onward in my journey (First marathon May 6th; my firt ultra by my 60th birthday in little less than 4 years from now)

My thoughts and prayers for Jennie, her family and you as we travel the road less traveled.

John...aka Granpa John in RW forums

Jerome said...

Catra, I am stunned. I knew Jennie - our souls touched deeply over a few weeks' span a couple of years ago. She was one of the most extraordinary persons I have known, with a magical love for life and "mama nature" as she called it. I too will run Diablo in her memory this week-end.

Troy said...

I will be hiking that trail next week and I will leave a rose at the cables. R.I.P.

Catra said...

Hi Bill-
That's very sweet of you.
I too will be heading up Half Dome next week. I will be going up Friday. What day are you going up??
I will be in the Valley on Friday and Saturday. I will be staying at Camp 4.
Maybe we will see each other.

Lisa Bettles said...

Thank You all for the continued love that you surround Jennie with. I am her sister. She has always been deeply loved and admired by the family and obviously by many others as well. We had no idea how many peoples lives that she touched. She will be here with all of us, on each of our hikes, on each of your runs and as we navigate through our lives. Thank you!

Brenda Reed said...

Jennie shall remain a bright light for all who knew her at Cole's Coffee on College Avenue in Oakland where she could be found early most mornings when she wasn't off on an adventure or doing some amazing creative project. I am grateful and blessed to have known her. To her family, know that she is in our hearts forever. To Jennie I say, God speed!

Anonymous said...

Dirt Diva,

I found your site by doing a google search on Jennie Bettles. I not only have a better appreciation for all that Jennie did - I knew her a bit from community and business association work, but she led me to your wonderful and inspirational blog.. Even in her passing, Jennie has been a catalyst for motivation.

Tom G.

Anonymous said...

I live in Madrid, Spain and I was just talking to my son who lives in Oakland. He saw Jennie the night before she was killed at Yosemite Park where he was taking a break with his daughter. They recognized each other because of a common coffee shop they go to. He was shocked and saddened at this news.

Anonymous said...

It is an unfortunate, tragic incident, but to those who are going out on the same trail as she did, I have this to say; do NOT make the same mistakes she did! She went out alone, she went out in bad weather, and she was on a section that is notoriously treacherous and slick due to all the traffic that has made the rock slick. I say this as a 20+ year backpacker who has done Half Dome 3 times and has done many solo trips. You have to use common sense when you are in the wild!

Anonymous said...

It is an unfortunate, tragic incident, but to those who are going out on the same trail as she did, I have this to say; do NOT make the same mistakes she did! She went out alone, she went out in bad weather, and she was on a section that is notoriously treacherous and slick due to all the traffic that has made the rock slick. I say this as a 20+ year backpacker who has done Half Dome 3 times and has done many solo trips. You have to use common sense when you are in the wild!

Anonymous said...

Dirt Diva, I recently heard about Jennie and came across this site. Am also an avid trail runner. May she rest in peace and I'll be remembering her and her life when I hike Half Dome on June 30th.

Anonymous said...

I worked with Jennie many years ago before she started Global Vue. I was researching half dome information and discovered that Jennie died in April on Half Dome. I just came back from Yosemite yesterday where another hiker slipped and died. It is so tragic. I am very shocked and saddened. I haven't seen Jennie in about 14 years but I remember how optimistic and full of life she was. Thanks for honoring her here.

Unknown said...

I worked with Jennie Bettles when she came to help us develop the marketing plan for a new software product. She always brought positive energy to the work. Energy goes where you put it, she would say to me, then she'd head off to put her energy out there on some trail for a while.

I only heard recently that she'd fallen. We'll all miss her energy and her big smile, but the ideas she brought into our business will resonate as we hold the value of a successful customer at the heart of the work we do.

Jennie's site is an avenue for her vision of empowered consumers.
More power to Jennie and to all free spirits.

Anonymous said...

I'm sadden to hear the news about Jennie. I didn't know her that well but we shared the love of adventure, the outdoors and the Sierra. I will always remember Jennie when I'm Half Dome, Sierra or any long run

Anonymous said...

Jennie was a great friend. I found out much later about her death through her Dad who goes to the coffee shop I go to - they would meet there every so often. We shared a common interest in building social enterprises - businesses that are successful providing benefits to the community as a whole, whether local or global. I will continue this pursuit, remembering her. She was a great thinker, wise, free-spirited, and a positive person. She LOVED solo hiking, and loved Oakland. Thank you for this blog. It is a beautiful remembrance.

Anonymous said...

here is another version of the Yosemite article, since the Sierra News link is not working.

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Running 50 Miles? Are you serious? How long/days it takes to accomplish that?