Sunday, April 22, 2007

Embrace the change in your life. Release what you no longer need, and welcome the seeds of new experience.
Me on Flag hill, waving a flag of lupines. I love running in Sunol.
Me near High Valley camp in Sunol.
Happy Earth day everyone. I hope you were able to get out and enjoy your favorite trails this weekend. Off to work ;)


Anonymous said...


I celebrated Earthday with my two sons (Kyle-6 & Kevin-4) and my GF's son (Rob-10) for their first running race, the Earthday 5K and 1 mile fun run. We ran the 1 mile together.

They had so much fun with their race numbers and finishers certificates.

Then we attended the earthday fair!

Enjoy the day,
Steve from NJ

Anonymous said...

Hey Catra,
I celebrated today with my half-marathon in Santa Cruz. I had some great views of our beautiful earth from those cliffs down there. And the clouds and rain made a break for it -- the skies were clear and blue for the 7:00 a.m. start time and throughout the run. I'm going to head out to one of our favorite places (Sunol) with my handsome boy tomorrow. See you soon!
~Jo Lynn

Unknown said...

It is so good to see that Earth Day is still on someone's radar.

Keeping the dots connected from city to city.

Came across this quote wanted to share it with you! It is so old and feels misplaced in today's society, but I think that it reminds us that we once had a great reverence for our resources, our place of life no matter what your higher power was, or is!

May you be praised, my Lord,
for our sister, mother earth,
who sustains us,
producing good green plants.
~Saint Francis of Assisi


Sam said...

You are just beautiful!
I hope Rocky's eye is okay now.
I shed a tear when I read that post.
Carry on lovely girl.

dirticesand said...

How I miss Sunol, I remember seeing you out there on a rainy Sat. afternoon, probably about 8 years ago, your not one to miss on the trail, mean that in a good way, also use to see ya at 24 hr. fitness. I live in birmingham, al. now and did my first 50k in March, brutal, legs are just getting back to normal. Don't know me but I'm definately inspired by ya. Thanks

Alikona said...

Not sure which is more beautiful...the view from top of Sunol or you standing on top lighting up the world with that positive energy!

Every day is earth day! And I am glad to see you promoting it. ;)

Been swimming and hiking to recover from Saturday. And most THRILLED to se Rocky Rock-Star is doing awesome.

Miss you!

litsl said...

Hey Catra

Excellent blog and hobby!

I've been wondering for a while about what Gear you choose. In particular what backpack you use for running. I use a camelbak lobo which is ok but is a little small for a fast pack trip. I wondered about your tent too.

Have you run the Tahoe Rim Trail? I'm sure you have. It's about 170 miles and you can do it in about a week. I was thinking about writing a trail guide aimed at runners. Would you run test it for me? What do you need from a trail guide? What are the best trail guides you've used? What about maps?

Lots of questions (sorry!). Just keep running.


Catra said...

Hey Steve- How fun running a race with your boys. I bet they loved it :)
They will always remember their first race with their Dad. Those memories last forever.

Catra said...

Hey jgirl-
Thanks for the post and the quote. Have a great day.

Catra said...

Hey Sam thanks so much for the post. Mr. Rocky is doing great.

Catra said...

Hey dirticesand-Jon
Thanks for the post. WOW! 8 years ago. Yeah, I stand out ;)
and you even use to see me at 24. Awesome you ran your first ultra great job!
Thanks for the kind words they made my day :)

Catra said...

Hi Carl-
Yes I have run the Tahoe rim trail 165 miles. Me & two friends set the womans record in 2001 it tooks us 72 hours.
I did it last year in just under 5 days at that was at the end of a 511 mile fastpack.
a good trailguide should have listed water stops how far in between it should also list milage and elevation points.
Last year the Tahoe rim trail was awesome it had listed section by section and where water was on the trail.
When I did the trail in 2001 there was nomap.we got lost alot.

Catra said...

Hey Kona-
You are so sweet. I love your spirit.

Anonymous said...

Man your blog rocks! Your outlook on life is so inspirational... I tend to be a self loather but it is hard to be that way when I read your posts.

Catra said...

Yeah Gripperm I'm glad I can make you smile.
Thanks for the post.