Friday, April 27, 2007

I love this girl!!!This is a picture of me and my niece Tiffany.
I always wanted a little sister, and when my big sister got pregnant I was so happy.
I was 13 when Tiff was born. I use to babysit her all the time growing up. I use to dress her up, and put make up on her. I use to dress her like boy George and Madonna. She new all the words to Adam Ant songs.
What fun memories.
Tiffany is staying with us for a couple months so were bonding once again, I'm so proud of her for working out. She is a smoker but has been going to crossfit.
I'm hoping that I can influence her and in the future , and she won't want to smoke.
Today we did a crossfit work out together on our own. We did a 2 mile run and 3 sets of different exercises. She did awesome.
Here we are at Quarry lakes having fun.


All the spiritual master tell us to make every decision and the choice as if our whole life could be changed because of it. Today, be mindful only of who you are in each and every action.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you Tiffany, you look really good and so happy too.
love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Catra,
your blog is excellent as always. Wanted to share with you some awesomeness at Steve Edwards blog:

- Deb

Anonymous said...

Man I forgot about Adam Ant.. Stand and Deliver and of course Goody Two Shoes. Congrats Tiffany on the new lifestyle

Anonymous said...

Yep. She's a beautiful girl! Good luck for a healthy, happy life Tiff!

Catra, how did you get so wise?