The second day I headed out at 5ish I saw some hikers on the other side of Rush creek and crossed over. I continued on for 30 min. before I realized I took the wrong trail. I actually did the same thing in 04 on my way to the finish of my Yo Yo record. I was a little mad but no big deal. I wasn't drinking enough and was feeling like I may be getting a bladder issue. I pushed hard through Thousand island lakes. I headed up the big climb after Shadow lakes and was becoming dehydrated. I was moving along when in front of me I hear hey "DIRT DIVA"! I looked surprised and I said who is that. It's me tuff Guy. It was one of my fellow 07 PCT hikers. I was happy to see him. He was with his bro. We chatted and then I pushed on.

knew my least favorite section was coming up all the pumice sand on the trail going to Reds Meadow. That section goes on forever.
I was out of water for at least an hour. I felt the bladder getting worse but ignored it. Hoping it would go away. I was drinking 3 bottles at each source hoping to correct the infection coming on.

The pain was getting bad as I was going up the pass.
I started thinking what am I going to do. Going forward with a bladder infection was not smart. I knew it would get worse. I would have another pass and huge climb up a ridge then down to Muir trail ranch mile 105. If I got there I had no easy way out. I would be stuck in Fresno or I could climb a third pass Paiute and try to get to Bishop. Still to far away.

I was so out of it I went down a little ways and decided to sleep on the trail pull my sleeping bag out and collapsed. I woke up at 5am and headed down in pain. I was really bummed but knew it wasn't going to get better. I have lived with these infections before. I knew taking Cipro and drinking tons and resting, it would go away.
I was sad but knew at that moment I could do it and I will. Next year will be my year and I won't do it the week after a hundred and I will train with my pack.

I believe everything happens for a reason. Not sure what the reason is now but will find out one day.
I did 131 miles I did get some pretty bad blisters but the bladder infection is more painful then even the worse blister.
Thank you all for the positive vibes. I made it back safely to Yosemite on Monday and back home that night.
I decided to head to Sierra Madre early and arrived yesterday. My infection is better been taking Cipro and drinking cranberry juice. Took yesterday off. I went to crossfit today and the bladder pain is gone.
I will now focus on Headlands 100 which is in less then two weeks.
I will be back next year and will be smarter. Thanks again.