I look at this picture and do look sick. Giardia is no fun. I hope to never get it again.

I had Blepharoplasty surgery yesterday and that was no fun. I had part of my upper eyelid removed. My eyelid was pressing down and causing me to have night vision problems. It's a heredity thing on my moms side. It is getting worse as I get older so figured I might as well take care of it now while I'm not working. I really can't see right now everything is blurry. So this is all I will write for now.
Jo Lynn thanks for taking me and Rocky on a walk last night even though I was preety much blind. I can see a bit better today not as blurry as yesterday.
Have a great day everyone.
I will say I do appretiate having my vision there are many people who live in a blur like this everyday. So must not complain it's only temporary.
Hey Catra,
Looking at your picture reminded me of when I had Giardia on the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island a couple of years ago. One of my "buddies" snapped a picture of me doing what people who have Giardia do every hour or so (you know what I mean). it's pretty funny to look at now, but I was pissed at the time!! Glad to hear you're over it.
Hope your recovery from surgery goes well!
Ouch, ouch, and ouch. Heal well and quickly Catra.
You readers need to know how blind you really were last night:
Catra and I were walking our doggies and I had to, well, "clean up" after Boomer. I asked Catra if I should throw the bag in one of the garbage cans. She said, "oh sure, if you see one." It was garbage night in our neighborhood, the street was completely lined with everyone's garbage cans and she didn't see any! I think we'll laugh about that until we're old, old, old!
As I type it, I'm practically in tears. Yes, folks, she was pretty darn blind.
hi catra,
this is hao. hope you are recovering well from your surgery. take care.
Hey Catra!! :) Don't like it when You're not feeling well... But, You still look great when You're feeling sick, so that's always nice.... Ha ha! Hey I have a quick question for you. I also posted this on your myspace page, but I just got my half sleeve finished and was wondering how long you wait to "break a sweat" after You've had work done or what precautions you take...... Hope Your days going great!!!
Hey Jay..That's too funny your friends took a picture in your misery..
I just look back at my pictures and can't see how bad I looked.
My recovery is going well. My eyes look bad very swollen. Might post a picture at some point but don't want to scare anyone.
Hi Miki-
They are getting better each day. At least I can see better today than yesterday.
Hey Jo Lynn-
It was quite funny I'm sure I was blind & drugged up. I don't know how many times I almost fell. Thank god you were directing my every step. I don't think I was suppose to be out walking. I don't think Dr. Zandi would be happy with me. Shh we won't tell.
Hey hao-
Thanks I am!
Hi Tom-
I think it's ago to go back in two weeks that's about how long my artist have me going in when I'm having a big piece worked on.
You just reminded me I'm do to go see Julio to have my right sleeve finished.
Have a great day.
ouch! get well soon:)
hi catra,
i forgot to share a story i read from last year's hellgate 100k race. krissy moehl ran pretty well the whole race. then realize her vision become blurry at certain point in the race. she couldn't figure out what was going on. it was pretty bad at times because the race started 12:01 midnight so most of the race was pretty dark. she later found out that her cornea had partially froze which caused the blurry vision. i thought you could probably related to that.
I just read your 2007 PCT blog, I hope you get to finish it soon. I'm doing the PCT in April. I'm raising money for Breast Cancer Research. My website will be up this week, check it out. www.hike4lives.org.
Just wanted to say you rock!!!
Peace, Love, and Soul...
Hope you're fully recovered from the Giardiasis. In this year's PCT Trail Journals, Scout and Frodo mentioned in their July 20 entry that quite a few other hikers got infected by the Giardia parasite. I was wondering, what water treatment method were you using; i.e., AquaMira, filter or Steripen?
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