Me getting a work out in while crewing at the Furnace creek 508 mile bike ride.
There are no excuses not to get in a work out even when traveling. Stick to a schedule and exercise when & where ever possible. I just used rocks as my weights and used the van's bumper to do push ups.
Zen card....Through kindness, the world softens. Be kind to all beings and things.
In this way, creation returns to it's natural state of beauty.

You look great! Nice job working out!
Hey Girl thxs! Have you tried the crossfit work out???
I haven't yet, but I best get on it! I tried to do a pull-up on the playground today and it was a little embarrassing.
Nothing is a reality check like not being able to lift your own body weight!
Girl I can't do a pull up either. I plan to be able to do one in the next two months. That's my goal. Shit when I was rock climbing with my X I used to be able to do a few.
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