I love rock climbing and bouldering. Yes, I know the risk. I have a plate & 7 screws in my right arm holding my ulna together. It reminds me everyday that climbing is risky.
I love moving up the rock working the problem linking each move like a puzzle piece.
It's a great work out. I suggest going to your local climbing gym and trying it. It's something the whole family can do together.
Zen Card...Grace
The beauty of grace is that you receive blessing for no reason.
As above, so below.
Practice random
acts of grace. Give to
others for no reason,
offer kindness to those
who are undeserving, love
those who no one else
loves. Practice grace.

Catra, I agree about climbing. It is dangerous, but when I used to climb I always saw part of the challenge as figuring out how to minimize the danger by using my mind and body to move safely up the route. I don't climb anymore due to time and family, but it is definitely a good workout and a great upper-body compliment to running. What rocks are those in the picture?
Hi Eudemus-
These rocks are on the JMT trail between Happy isles & Vernal Falls.
I can't collect my thoughts, you look too good on a previous picture:)
best to you Saturday!!!
Hey Olga-
LOL....Did you notice the tattoos???
I wish you were running SD 100.
How are you feeling???
Hows your injury??
Yeah, I noticed tattoes, as well as lots of free space for future projects:)
I am still battling that stupid hamstring and decided to actually take an official break - Annette B. highly recommended it anyway. On top of it, we are trying to move, so it works out in time, better now, so I can come back for next season in shape and healed.
I wish I was running SD too...watch out for Ronda and Yayoi smashing the record!
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