Life is a test. Today I went to snooze my alarm on my cell phone and I guess it turned off. I missed crossfit class :( I had to pull the chip out of the phone, seems to be working ok.
I forgot the painters were coming to finish painting the house and they need to paint my room today. I have like 5,ooo things going on. I ask if they could wait until 1pm they agreed, thank god.
I have like a million pictures on my wall I had to take down and move stuff around. Had to also move stuff around the bathroom so they can paint it to.
I know if I just let stuff go and give it to God it will work out.
I moved everything then went out for my run and I did the crossfit work out. Randy told me what it was so I knew what to do.
He has it posted on his blog

Just in case anyone whats to do the work outs he will post them Mon.,Wed.,& Fri.
The work out kicked my butt.
Today should get better, going to get my tattoos finished and I get to see Randy tonight :) Oh and I get a massage woo hoo.
This picture is of me near the Merced river when I was heading out of the Valley yesterday I took it. I always look so much happier after a good long run.

WOW.....sorry for the crossfit!!!!!
this is another beautiful place, it seems has a movie decoration... i like the tree...
Randy has a great blog ,really cool...
Hey Ju-
Glad you like the picture. Yes it looks like the set of a movie because I'm a star and I'm in the picture. right?
You should try the crossfit workouts. It will help you on the PCT :)
Yeah ,
Right you are big
i don't know the crossfit, what is really it ,i want try this sport when i come...because i love all the sports !!!!
You do look happy Catra! Glad you were able to work your crossfit in. Maybe I should try the cross fit too. Do you do any yoga?
Have a fantastic weekend.
Hi Steve-
No time for Yoga. I prefer more fast paced that's why I love crossfit.
it's a work out routine.
go to
to learn more.
Jullian's right, that doesn't look real! Wow, I need to move to the West Coast. We just don't have scenery like that here.
(well, we do, it's just not visible from my apartment)
Have a great weekend!
Hey Renee-
It's really pretty in Yosemite Valley. If you're ever in Cali. you have a place to stay.
You have a great weekend too.
Great pix, Catra!
Thanks for Randy's blog. You 2 inspire.
Won't be renewing my gym membership at end of year. I think Crossfit would be better. Nearly impossible to get me inside, and travel too much!
Hi Catra,
I've been reading your blog for some time now. You are amazing. I love your positive attitude towards everything. I could learn from you.
I tried to see Randy's blog for the crossfit workouts but keep getting an error. Any suggestions?
Thanks and have a wonderful day.
Hey Jeffo Thanks ;)
I have a gym memebership to 24 hour fitness. I haven't gone in a while. I still will keep it. Only to use the steam room and sauna for heat training.
crossfit rocks I love it!!!!
Thanks for the post.
Hey Cheri-
Thanks so much for the post. I think in life we have many teachers we can all learn from each other.
I try to always see the positive in life. Sometimes it's a challenge but. I feel better if I think positive, and don't let the energy vampires suck my positive energy.
Not sure why you can't see his blog. I just clicked the link on my front page and it worked fine.
Have a beautiful day,
Hey Cheri,
My blog is no "@" sign...
Hey Randy,
Thanks so much.
You have a wonderful day.
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