My tattoos on my legs
are finally finished.
Am I getting more tattoos you ask, of course.
Julio will draw up my next designs in a couple weeks.
It will be a design of a necklace Randy gave me.

Zen Card...EGO
Those who say they
know, do not know. Those
who say they do not know,
also don't
know Therefore,
be quiet and let your
actions speak for
you. They speak for
you. They speak much louder than your
words anyway.

What can I say? That's hot!!
Hey Steve-
Thanks...I wanted to show off my new tattoos. I'm not trying to look hot :)
I hope you got your butt out for a long run!
The tatoos are great! I may get my first one after the MR100, if I have a successfull outing. (finishing) Well, my long run wasn't as long as I hoped today, but at least I got my ass out to run. The weather was just perfect and ended up catching some live music at the park and coming home and working on a Four Year Bender tune I want to learn.
When will you be arriving in Oklahoma for the MR100?
Hi Steve-
We're flying out on Friday. I think we arrive at 2pm. We fly back out Monday afternoon.
Steve you will finish. Just think positive.
I think you should get a tatt after finishing Mother road 100. I sometimes plan and design my next tattoo when I'm running 100 miles. I know I'm silly but it's just how I think :)
How fun you got in a run then hung out and listen to music.
Ummm yeah, cause I am definitely focusing on the tattoos...
Beautiful hot tattoos!!!!!
Awesome tattoos, Catra! About re-connecting with old friends: I have made so many friends with my millions of moves around the globe... and for many years my thinking was to move and let them go, knowing I could never stay so close from so far away. Really, I was afraid of missing them, so I just made a clean cut. But when an old friend of mine got really sick, I had an epiphany: It was ok to miss people, and make the effort to connect, and then miss them again. It can be bittersweet. But the pain of saying goodbye is far less than the fun and pleasure and closeness of loving my friends.
Hey Deb-
It is grat to reconnect with old friends. I stopped hanging out with most of the old friends because I got clean & sober and they were still using. So of course I lost contact. It was my choice.
13 years later everyone changes.
I hope you have a great day.
LOL...You're to funny sweetie. That's why I love you!
Hey Ju-
You better hurry up and get more tattoos. We will for sure be the most tattooed PCT ers out on the trail come May.
You're just too adorable! :) Tats look great! I had to hold off getting my new one due to me catching the flu! But next month.... Hope you do terrific with the MR100!!
Okay, first of all, you look awesome. I love the new tattoos.
On reconnecting with old friends, I have found the internet to work so well for that too. I lost a lot of friends when I came out and have really missed their presence in my life. I feel lucky when thye find me on myspace or friendster to get so know them again. And glad they were able to put up with my treasure trove of problems when we were younger!
If I ever do get out to CA again, I would love to do a run. I might be out west in January but in LA. My brother's running the Avalon 50 (I hope) and I might want to see that!
Take care!
Hey Catra,
Are you flying in and out of Oklahoma city? Are you going to camp or do you have a room? I am still not sure what I will be doing, but I will be driving over on Friday from Tulsa. Probably depends on the weather forecast.
I will give the first tatt some thought while running the MR100. Lord knows I should have plenty of time for thinking!
Take care,
You look strong! The tattoos looks great!
Hey Tom-
Happy to hear from you...I bet Ash is getting so big!
Yeah, you're getting a new tattoo.
Better to wait when you're better so it heals fast.
I'm running San Diego 100 this Saturady so send me those positive vibes.
Thanks for the compliment.
Hi Renee-
Thanks girl!
That's cool you're reconnecting with old friends.
I could never figure out why people have a problem with people who are gay. People should be happy when others are happy.
I had a cousin who was 15 years older than me growing up who I was really close to. His name was David when he was born I always new her as Dee Dee. She use to take me everywhere when I was little. I reamber when she was in beauty school and I was 5 she cut and bleached my hair. My mom freaked.
I just remember the stories I use to here about my cousin getting beat up because of who she was.
She died when I was 19. No one knows if she was pushed out of the car by her boyfriend or she took her own life.
I think we should love everyone know matter what gender they are or prefer.
I know it's because of growing up around Dee Dee that I am creative and open minded.
Hey SN-
Yep the new Patagonia gear..LOL
You're to funny.
Hey Steve-
I think were flying into OC. Not sure my friends booked my flight.
We're staying in a hotel.
It hurts to walk but doesn't hurt to run??? I'm not sure what it could be. I suggest getting it massaged. Maybe it's just a tendon. If it doesn't hurt to run I would run. Maybe just do self massage on that area.
Hey Kimcheemonster-
Thanks for the compliment ;)
Hey runninturnup-
When's the baby due????
Tatoos? Uh ... what tatoos?
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
Hey Jeffery-
You're to funny. The one's on my legs silly ;)
Thanks for stopping buy.
Catra, I love my wife ... but I still can't focus on those putative tatoos...
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
Jeffery you're making me laugh.
Have a great day!
Hey Ofie-
I hope you are well.
Ummm, not a huge fan of ink but ahhh that's a really nice pic. Good luck in SD.
hey anonymous thanks!
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