I' running San Diego 100 this weekend. I'm excited!!!!
Sorry this is short but I'm off to work.
Zen Card....community
that you will
be like those with whom
you surround
yourself, your
enviornment is stronger
than you are.
So very true. Only surround yourself with loving caring people.
That's what I do.

Keep on truckin', running mamma
How many 100s is that for you this year? Go kick some serious booty out there! And have fun too :-).
You are amazing Style......:)
Positive vibes for your next 100
Kick ass SD100!!!!
Hey Lance-
Thanks :)
Hey debbie-
Thanks I will girl!
Hey Eudemus-
It's a light year. I've only run 6. 4 more to go to round out the year ;)
I will have fun!
Hey Ju-
Thanks I'm glad you like my style. I promise I won't be so stylish out on the PCT. I will bathe maybe once a week. You get to see the true Dirt Diva out on the trail bro!
I'll be thinking of you, Catra!
You got all my vibes baby... and for you, they are aways positive!
i'll miss seeing you out there this year.
Love ya girl!
thanks so much that means the world to me, you are my man and I love you!
Sure thing. You got my spare energies from Oz. Kick arse out there !
Hey Steve-
Thanks for the vibes. Have fun on your 50 mile run and just remember when you're done I will still be running. ;)
Have an awesome run on the weekend. I look forward to reading all about it :)
Hi Portrunr-
Thanks for stopping by. Trust me you will here all about it on Monday.
Go Girl!
good vibes coming from Australia.
Hi Chihping-
Thanks for the post see you soon.
Hey Tim-
Thanks so much. Make sure to send those vibes at 3am Sunday morning. I will need them.
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