You guys can track my progress each hour. You can even email me. Please send me emails and I will read them on my walk breaks during the run. I'm sure I will need the positive words late in the night.

Feel the pain of
others. Understand their
struggles and
disappointments, their
hardships and inadequacies,
and open your heart to
them. Realize that
everyone is doing the best
they possibly can.
Judge no one. But rather,
cradle all humanity in
your heart.
Have an awesome weekend.

Sorry will be away from the computer this weekend so can't track your progress or send you encouragment in the late night when you need it most otherwise would be there for ya!
Hey Lance-
Thanks so much you're very sweet :)
I'll be following you!!! Good luck!!!
Good luck in San Fran, Catra. I'll be thinking about you as I try and tackle my first 50 miler.
Positive vibes flowing your way. Every step you are taking for yourself, towards your goal is inspiring all of us... and from all of us to those we in turn inspire. Links in a chain of awesomeness... Yeaaaaaa Catra!
Yea Yeaaaa
I just woke up and it's the middle of the night your way. I'm getting ready for a l'il 15k racelet and, from the website photos, I see you're way strong after kicking ass for 12+ hours. Keep it going, keep it going. Go girl. Can I get a whuh whuh?
Congrats on being the first place female finisher. Congrats on doing over 100 miles in under 24 hours. Congrats on tying in 4th overall.
As I keep saying.
Nice job, Catra! I couldn't keep up with you -- probably because you were running too fast.
Love the Zen card! I'm an ACOA (Adult child of an Alcoholic) and I find your posts to be very powerful! Thanks!!!
congrats on your outstanding finish at the SF 24 hour Catra. was able to follow your progress and look at some pics along the way.
you rock
Hey Tom thanks for the emails. They kept me going.
Hey Gregg lynn-
Thanks for the eamil.
Thanks for motivating me and cheering me on. You rock!!
Hi Chihping thanks for the emails and running me in from the other side of the Bay.
Hi Bleu-
Thanks so much :)
LOL....Thanks girl!
Glad you like the blog and zen cards.
Hey Steve-
Thanks. Just a couple more weeks and I will rock the asphalt with you in Oklahoma.
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