Each day,
everything that
comes to you as a gift.
At night, mentally give
it all back. In this way,
you become free.
No one can ever take
anything from you,
for nothing is yours.
WOW! this is all so true. You can only be free when you have freedom and you don't have things tying you down.
I believe that's a choice people make. The more freedom you want the less things you need to have.
I have freedom to come and go I have nothing tying me down. It's just how I choose to live.
I need to live in the moment right now.
I got a little ahead of myself the past month but now I'm back to where I need to be. Living each day as if it were my last. And loving myself. I am ready to love, but I sometimes forget most people don't love themselves so they can't love back.