The Time is Now
The future is literally in our hands to mold as we like. But we cannot wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is now. Eleanor Roosevelt

There were cairns marking a few different routes. We went off route a few times. It was very cold and windy and we didn't bring flashlights. We got to the top took a picture signed the log book with frozen hands and started to head down. We were doing fine until we lost the trail, we could see where we needed to go from up high and just scrambled around in the talus field. I new once the sun went over the mountain it would not be fun. My goal get down to the main trail before dark and once there it would be fine. We finally made it down with out getting hurt. The sun was setting and we just moved as fast as we could. It did get dark but we almost all the way down so we were fine. Just a note to myself keep my extra headlamp in my pack at all times ;-)

Now is a time of commitment. Decide upon your direction or goal and begin the journey towards it. Take time to recognize the patterns that have sabotaged you in the past and eliminate them from your future. Change must take place in the inner you before change can take place in the real world. Let balance be your watchword and if you need help then it will appear.
© Stephen Haynes
...this post inspired me...
I ran a 32K leg of the Canadian Death Race back in 2002, and trained a friend to do the whole 125K. You are so right about the psychology of completing such things. I guess I always struggle at finding what to take on next. Old age and shoddy knees don't help either!
Anyway, happy trails and best wishes!
Hi Catra,
I was on Whitney Saturday (found Thursday that some people dropped out in the last minute - they had 5 available permits, didn't know that you don't have a permit) and ran Mt. Dana on Sunday on the way back home.
Hope you get a permit in September (it was pretty cold I would think that Sep. would be freezing up there)
All the best,
Hi Catra,
I didn't know you did not have a permit, I could have helped...
I was on Whitney Saturday (found about 5 available permits from a friend Wednesday and I could not pass); did Mt. Dana Sunday on the way back.
All the best,
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