Get Up
It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.
Headlands hundred what can I say, beautiful course, wonderful people and awesome views. It is very scenic.
It was a tough race the last 25 miles. I am thankful for my wonderful pacer Jerry. My feet were blistered and the last 16 miles was so painful I cant really describe how bad I was. I was in so much pain and fighting to just move forward.
I called on my Archangel Michael to keep me going since this is the card I drew before the race out of my healing angel cards. The card said he would give me courage, and release me from the effects of fear. It seemed to work I knew I would finish and I prayed he gave me the courage to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

© Stephen Haynes
Good job staying positive and focused on a hard day. I particularly enjoy hearing about FJ. Though I don't know him personally, I am a big fan of his just from reading about him on your blog. What a great friend.
Congrats on a great finish in a tough race! I was thinking about you. Had hoped to join you, but decided I'd better not. I bet it was awesome! I don't envy you your poor feet though. Heal up well!
Anonymous- FJ aka fast Jerry is a great friend, they are hard to find but this guy has been a huge part of my succses on many of my adventures. He is an inspiration to all. He is 63 and looks 50 he is stronger and faster now then he was when he was younger. I want to be like Jerry when I grow up.
He reminded me so many times when I was out there that I was tough which helped me to move forward. He was by far one of the best pacer I have ever had. He kept me going.
Hi Cynthia thanks for thinking of me. What a beautiful 31:33 hours out there. Sure the feet are bad but the beauty of that course was well worth it.
We're so proud of you Catra, I knew you would finsh!! You are so tough! You're awesome, Kathy, Wayne and Ruby
If I were to look tenacious up in the dictionary your photo would be there!
Way to hang in there Catra!! I was happy to meet you in person finally. My quads are trashed today but my spirits high after finishing that run! Hope you heal up fast. ~~Marcy
You kicked butt. It was awesome talking with you.
You are amazing!!! So what's your next race?
You are to kind, thank you ;-)
It was tough but I finished.
Great Job Catra. You are tough.
I need a CrossFit hat like yours for Javelina.
Hey Kathy-
Thanks for the post..I thought of you and how tough you are and did what you would do. Put one foot in front of the other no matter how painful it was , it was only blisters. You are my inspiration I still want to be doing this in 25 years just like you. Hugs and kisses to you Wayne and Ruby ;-)
Big congrats on gettin' 'er done!
"I called on my Archangel Michael to keep me going since this is the card I drew before the race out of my healing angel cards. The card said he would give me courage, and release me from the effects of fear."
What!! You can't be serious about this! Healing angel cards? Please, let's keep it based in reality..
Otherwise, congratulations on your finish.
"I could of" should be "I could have".
You are so awesome. I think you show amazing strength and courage and you great mental outlook on life. It is an inspiration reading your blog and it helps me thru my bad Bipolar days and there are some. You really make me want to go out on the trail which makes me feel better too. Thanks a lot you cannot know what a positive effect you have on me. Outside of the wife and kids you are the best.
Ultra "Slow" Matt
NICE JOB!! What a race! Congrats!!
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