This birthday run was not easy some years they are made easy because of the good weather.
This year a huge storm was hitting while I was running. I never wanted to quit or give up because it was not about me it was for the kids I am helping. It was important that I raise money for those who are in need. My plan was to raise $1000 dollars during the run. I had no idea that I would double my goal.

I want to thank Mark Gingrich CEO of HTFU and founder of Chance 2 compete. It was because of him I had a cause and charity to run for. He was awesome through the whole 46 hours updating the FB the whole time. I am proud to be a part of Team HTFU and charity runner for C2C.
Also want to thank my friend Almine Barton who was awesome updating post and posting to her wall and other friends walls. Thanks girl!

I want to thank my pacers and helpers, Jerry Roninger Kathy D'Onofrio, Linda McFadden, Joe Pham, Mylinh Nguyen, Mike Palmer, Clifton Carter and of course Rocky Ridge. They kept me laugh through the good times and bad times.
I want to thank HOKA one one for making an awesome shoe that made my legs, feet and body feel great all the way. Not one blister and I don't feel like I ran 135.5 miles today at all.

I want to thank my boyfriend Andy Kumeda who wasn't here in person to help but I was able to talk to him on the phone and hearing his voice always makes me smile. He is the best boyfriend in the whole wide world.
Today I picked up my supply box in Sunol and ran 2 miles with no pain. Just in shock how awesome I feel.
Thank you again for following my crazy journey you are all amazing.
Congrats on an amazing 46 hr run. Simply awesome and the amount of donations that you received is a HUGE testament to your inspiring spirit and toughness. WTG Catra!! You are one amazing and inspiring girl!
You are awesome! :) Congrats, I'm glad the run went well.
Well done Catra! You are an inspiration!
You are truly inspirational! Congratulations on reaching your goal.
I had to read this a couple of times to make sure it read....46 hour run...I am lucky to get in 46 min. Your awesome!!! I am glad to find your blog!!!
I have recently begun reading your blog. And I love it!! You make me feel like I could do anything. When ever I have a crappy run or I am injured, I will think of you and your 46 hour run and think how I need to stop complaining. :) way to go girl!!
Jesus, you are mega hot. I do not believe for a minute that you're 46.
Believe it Peter ;-)
i was a Goth for many years, and did date a few Vampires in my day ;-)
I'm just saying i could be a vampire ;-)
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