We had a great turn out for the Fremont Fat Ass 50k. (a FA is a race that has no fee, no aid, and no markings. There is no wimps or whining allowed.)
They are held all over the world in the month of January.
So today we put on one in Fremont. We had 22 runners show up and 20 finished the full deal.
I was running this not for me, but as a coach for my friend Michelle. I told her when she signed up to run it I would stay with her the whole way ,and I did.
I knew she would finish, even when she had a bad patch.
I was there to give Michelle whatever help she needed to reach the finish line 31 miles later.
I told her when to eat ,and drink. When to take a gel, and I even gave her electrolytes. I watched to make sure she wasn't suffering. She did awesome. I also had a goal of getting her to the finish in under 7 hours.
I was so focused on wanting her to succed.
I have been running ultras since 1998 and I have made many mistakes. I enjoy being the teacher and helping people so they don't have to suffer like I did so many years ago.
I didn't know any runners when I started running, I knew nothing and learned the hard way.
I want to share as much of my knowledge that I have learned through the years. I don't expect everyone to do everything I say, or use everything I use. I just figure take what you need, and use what you need with my advice.
Today was day 8 on the Master Cleanse and I felt awesome.
No solid food for 8 days and running a 50k. Hell, I didn't know what to expect, now I do.
I can tell others I ran a 50k on the MC and had great energy. Today I had more energy than I did all week.
Michelle was positive & that's what it takes to finish ultras. She learned there are lows, but hey they are always followed by highs.
One of my running idols Barb Elia ran with us from mile 18 to the finish. I want to be like Barb when I grow up and run like her.
The weather was a mix of fog, showers & sunshine. It was an awesome day.
Congratulations Michelle you ROCK! 6:47

Congrats Michelle Great JOB!
Congrats to you both! And that is amazing that you ran a 50K on a cleanse!
Hey Jess-
I felt great was amazed at how clear my mind and body are 2 more days then. I get fresh Orange juice for two days then finally a salad.
Looking forward to be a Raw Vegan again.
Take care,
Hi Catra,
Amazing job, I have been reading your blog, past postings, and amazed at your b-day run last year. I will be doing my 1st Fat Ass 50k this week in the cold Midwest, to get ready for my 1st 50 miler in April.
Running a 50K on a cleanse is like "WOW".
I was wondering if you could answer a question for me? Training wise, I'm going with long runs on saturday and sunday (20+/15+). Is that the way to train for an ultra?
hey runbub-
Good luck on with the 50k run.
You have a great plan with the back to backs but I would do two 20's to get ready for the 50 miler.
If you can do that a few times you will be good to go.
Have fun this week and hopefully it won't be to cold.
way to support your friend! sounds like a great way to spend a day.
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