I knew I could suffer side effects from this drug. But had no idea how bad

This is a scarry drug. I went to there web-site and read more about it. I know the ultralist had a diccusion about it. But I refused to read it. Only because I didn't get freaked out. Looking back I should of read it because I would of never taken this drug.
It's now Monday and I am retaining water and feel a little dizzy and my muscle pain is very severe.
I have never felt this bad or have been in this much pain. My legs are so sore mainly my calf muscles. Feels like someone hit them with a baseball bat.
Yes, it sucks.
I will go back to my doctor and talk to him. I will go back to trying the natural route which hasn't worked for me 100% of the time.
Question have any of you or anyone you know taken Levaqin or similar atibiotics?? And what side effects have you had.
I'm off to go walk around a little and soak up the sun.

Did your doc have any suggestions for why you are getting bladder infections during your long races? Too many antibiotics can be dangerous to the body - even moreso for an extreme athlete, as you're requiring your body to do much more than the average person.
sr in tx
Crap, Cat, you had to bail at full thing, but you did a fine finish for a 100k, girl! I am sorry this antibiotic messed you up so horribly it almost seems peeing blood would have been better.
I agree with the question above - did doctor have any clue why you're getting bladder infection so often? Anything taht can be done long-term, even in a wake of taking a month or so off?
Hey Catra,
You work in a whole food store so I can not help but think you have tried this. Just in case though, have you tried cranberry extract, uva ursi, and maybe taking vit. c during your runs?
Hi Sr-
It's only during 100's we did many test and everything was good.
I get them because of the bouncing around and the friction. Some people are just pron to them. I happen to be one of them.
This has been going on since 2002. I only saw a doctor for it last year after I ended up in the hospital.
I am well aware of the dangers. It's only 1 pill that I was required to take to prevent it.
Hey Olga-
I know it was a bummer that I didnt run the full 100m. But I still had fun hanging out with other runners I never get to run with.
My story is I want to check out the 100k course since so many runners decided to only 100k each year. It's over rated I think I will stick to the 100m next year. LOL...
I get them because of the bouncing around and friction. My bladder is healthy otherwise.
I will be running Rocky Racoon 100m next month and I will not take any antibiotics.
Hey Tonya-
I have tried it all and will go back to my cranberry extract and Goldseal.
Was this the first time you took Levaquin? Maybe you could try a different antibiotic and have better results. Do the bladder infections completely resolve after your races? I'm sorry you had such a negative experience with this med.
I'll be at RR100 cheering you on!
sr in tx
so sorry you are hurting. ((hugs))
Whats your hydration plan before your 100's. I'm sure you know that besides the bladder jumming around being a cause, dehydration is another cause of UTI's. It has a name, runners bladder.
Cranberry juice does help, 1/2 it days before in your water. Or just take up drinking it in your daily life. I like to mix it with my water since I don't really like water.
When I get to work I will check into the drug end of your issue. I feel like I'm telling you stuff you already know..but drink, drink, drink. Also, They do have wipes that you can use as well.
You might want to log unto the quinolone adverse drug reaction forum hosted by yahoo
This is the link to the Quinolone Forum hosted by Yahoo. This is one of the oldest Quinolone Support Forum on the Internet, founded in 1999.
They have well over 1500 members who have suffered for years due to these adverse reactions. Maybe they can help you deal with this. The average recovery rate, if you recover, is about two and one half years.
The adrs are even worse if you had prior exposure to a fluoroquinolone drug such as Cipro, Avelox, Tequin, Trovan, etc.
I was damaged seven years ago and still have not recovered. I am both blind and crippled from these drugs having permanent double vision and chronic tendonitis.
Let be amongst the first to welcome you to our nightmare. I wish you the best and hope this referral will help.
Hi Anon-
Are you a runner???
I have been on the verious web-sites.
It's very scarry what has happened to people.
I am trying to remain positive and pray I dont have any major long term effects.
I ran today 3 miles and was ok. My energy level is low and my calfs are still very sore. My right arm has pain that comes and goes and my head hurts a little.
I will see my doctor this week.
I will NOT take this drug ever again.
I am very sorry to hear about your situation.
I feel my doctor should of never given this to me knowing I would only use it when running 100 mile races. It's a very dangerous drug and I feel lucky that more serious problems didn't occur.
That's for the info.
A competitive athelete should not take Levaquin or any other fluroquinolone due to the rare risk of tendon avulsion (rupture), in which case your running career is probably over.
Hi Reess-
If you ready my blog my running career is hardly over.
I have run at least 20 ultras since Hurt and 2,000 miles of the Pacific crest trail. My doctor treated many atheletes with bladder problems like mine and never had see any problems. I was the first he has treated. It' didn't work so I know use a different approch. It really is hit or miss with me. I have had had CAT scans and there is no explaination except I get dehydrated. Even though I drink tons.
Thanks for the comment.
I am running strong, running life couldn't be better.
My son took that stuff and it had him halucinating and all kinds of stuff. Not good and he is not an athlete. Have you tried Essential Oils. Young Living has several that can be used. Oregano, mountain savory, tea tree, thyme, cistus, juniper, rosemary and cloves. They also have some blends and supplaments you can use. You can do them by putting 1-2 drops of one of the oils above in a #0 capsule or rub 50/50 say 1 teaspoon canola oil to 1 teaspoon essential oil over your bladder area and then apply a warm, wet towel. Do either of these 2 times a day. Be careful and make sure the oils are pure. Many are adulterated and can be harmful. If you wish to buy Young Living oils you can use my distributor number, 973759 at youngliving.us My email is littledv1290@yahoo.com if you have any questions I could answer for you about this. Oils are a good support for your system, (FDA has not approved any of these statements) Lee Ann (My husband is the runner)
How long did it take for your adverse reaction to go away? Thx, Mandi
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