I haven't seen David in 15 years. How the hell we made it through our 20's is beyond me.

Me & David went through so much together, good times, and bad. We were thrown out more than once, from the night clubs for being way to drunk. The bartenders would cut us from drinking, that's how bad we got. David was just a little bit worse than me. The bartenters would serve him nonalcohlic wine, and he would be to drunk to notice. I use to drive to the night clubs drunk with him on the back of my motorcycle.
We always drove drunk. I'm suprised he's still alive.
I ran into him tonight at the Blank club. I saw him dancing and knew who he was because he still has the same dance moves. God I love him so much.
I'm looking forward to hanging out at the club together again with David. We plan on seeing each other again before I take off for Hawaii.
Life is good, and I'm so very happy that lately that the Universe is sending me so many gifts.
It is really cool to hook up with old friends, huh? Have fun!
Hope he is not driving drunk anymore - you need to get to HI, you know:)
Hmmm...I wouldn't be suprised if David still does once in awhile. That's why I will start picking him up and taking him to the clubs with me. He has had more lives then a cat..
Oh Olga! Thank you so much for the books. I love Bob Holtel. I listen to him speak about his summers faspacking the OCT. I'm so excited to read this book. Oh and the Running across America looks good. Are you trying to give me another idea???Hmmm. Next year run across America! Why not?
Exactly my point! Glad books found you ok:)
It's good to hook up with old friends and see how they've changed or maybe haven't :) I just noticed you are signed up for the McNaughton 150. I'm running the short race of the day, the 50. Look forward to seeing you there. Keep up the great work.!
Yeah In fact God is too strong !!!!!!
It's him which will make us met...;-)
Umm let me think about U clubbing with David again OK, he looks a bit shady still... I will get back to ya on this peep let me run a few background checks :-0 check with da boyz... give me a few days please.
After reading the article about Chinmoy 3100 miles in Runner's World (Feb 07), I believe you'll do it some day, perhpas after "Running across America" :-) Proud to see this!
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