Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gotta love a man in a uniform! That's just not some guy, it's Freddy our bad ass crossfit trainer. Freddy thanks for keeping the streets safe & clean of scum.

Julia, Freddy & Catra...Looking at Freddy in day to day life, you would never expect him to be a Police officer. He's totally Tattooed and crazy.
Than again looking at me, you would never expect me to be a hard core Ultrarunner. Guess looks are deceiving.
It's very important to stretch and have fun while running.
It's ok to always have fun. Life is to short to be so serious all the time!
Beautiful day & beautiful run before crossfit.
"Persevere and direct your energy towards your goals. If you do this and truly believe in what you’re trying to achieve you will be given the power to succeed. Sometimes obstacles should be seen as a test - pass the test and overcome the obstacles and success will be in your grasp. If you are feeling challenged right now examine whether it is due to misunderstandings or perhaps a mistrust. Opportunities will arise to resolve your situations. © Stephen Haynes"

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WISDOM.....Treat everyone and everything with loving compassion. When you see no difference between the sacred and the profane, the saint or the sinner, that is the ultimate wisdom.
Beautiful tree with the sunlight shinning through along my run today.
Me working up a sweat running the Quarry Lakes/Alameda creek trail home of the Femont Fat ass 50k. My friends & I will be holding the event on January 26th 2008, so mark your calanders.
My running partners for the day.
Mission Peak so close yet so far away.....
I blend so nice with the beautiful Fall leaves.
No crossfit today just a few hours of running. Sore from two days of double crossfit & lots of running.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Todays WOD was thought up by Lara:
Complete 2 rounds with a partner run for total time and add all exercises up at the end. While one partner runs the other does the exercise then switch. I did the workout twice today. In the morning with Julia our time was 30:07/522 reps. Lara and I 28:20/ 766 reps.
Lara hates to run I say I need to convince her to do an ultra ;) Great job girl.

My new running shoes LOL!!!!!! I did two time trials yesterday at crossfit, I came back in the evening forgot my running shoes..But guess what I was only 6 seconds slower wearing my Ahnu Benicia's.
"New beginnings or the possibilities of a new start are soon to be presented. Use your inner magician to pull together all the components of what soon will be in the offing, as you should now be able to manifest your hopes, dreams and desires. Remember you are only at the beginning, the first stages of development, so the more you are able to accept the more will be given to you. © Stephen Haynes"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Julia & I both showed up to crossfit today sporting our Quad. Dipsea shirts.

Todays WOD: Run 400 meters for time, row 500 meters for time, 100 pull ups for time, 100 push ups for time and 100 sit ups for time.
MY Times.....RUN: 1:50, ROW: 2:15, PULL UPS: 4:19, PUSH UPS: 5:27 and SIT UPS: 3:12
I will head back for the 5pm class to see if I can do better ;)

This picture is for George. Here's my 10 year finisher fleece, it's very soft. I love it :)
Gotta put a picture of Rocky up too today, it's been a week or so since I put one up. So there!
"The call of destiny is strong, so follow what you know to be right and true. If you ask the universe for help, inspiration or guidance be assured that it will be supplied. Persevere with the sure knowledge that what will ultimately transpire will be, not only as good as you think, but will in fact be much better than expected. Have faith in the future, your long-term goals will surely be fulfilled. Remember though that it is the power of commitment that makes it so, not just idly wishing. © Stephen Haynes"

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My 10th year running Quad. dipsea................
I must really love this race, seeing I have run it 10 years in a row. I remember my brother Jay dropping me off for my first race at Quad. I just remember thinking it was a tough race. I had already run some 50ks and 50 milers and this was only 28 miles. During that first race I was just hoping I'd get through it without injuring myself. I remember falling a couple times. I really fell in love with the beauty and tuffness of this course. Maybe that's why I keep coming back.
I can tell you, I have become a much stronger runner since my first Quad. And I am no longer sore like I use be after the race.
I had a blast yesterday ,and it was great sharing my 10th finish with my close friends.
Crossfit one world members Julia Bramer, Jerry Roninger(FJ) and Catra Corbett. We all agree crossfit has made us all stronger Ultrarunners.
FYI J.B & FJ both ran PR's.
"All roads lead to Rome! Or in other words all paths lead to the same place. But before those paths lead us to anywhere we have to stop thinking about it and get on with it. This is a time of action and movement. Don’t worry if you make a mistake, we’re not perfect. If you realise you’ve made a mistake then make another choice and get back to the right path. Revamp objectives and approach life from another perspective. © Stephen Haynes"

Saturday, November 24, 2007

BIG OAK FLAT RUN FRIDAY......Big oak flat is located right before the Foresta turn off. I love the trail here. I have run from here all the way over to the top of El Cap. over to the top of Yosemite falls to the top of North Peak and down the Snow creek trail, and down to Mirror lake. It's a beautiful 30+mile run.
Me freezing in my tent, camp 4.
Me heading out for a few hours on the trail from Big Oak flat.
Me becoming one with nature.
Me getting in a steep training workut the day before Quad. ;)
The town of Foresta in the distance.
There's no place i'd rather be on Thanksgiving.
I love spending Thanksgiving alone in Yosemite. In the last 5 years I have spent 4 of them in Yosemite Valley. I love running up Half Dome on Thanksgiving and giving thanks.
I meet so many interesting people everytime I camp out in Camp 4. There were alot more people this year than last year. It was very cold when I woke up in my tent on Thursday morning. It was in the 20's I had to drive over to Yosemite Village parking lot to change because that is where the sun was shinning. Once I got going I still never got warm it was maybe 40ish On Half Dome.

Me at the base of the cables. I didn't go up because I forgot my gloves. Also I told myself I wouldn't go up if other people weren't around. It was very windy and cold at the base and the top would of been worse.
Quick picture and I was out of there burrrrrr.

"Don’t try to weigh things up or make a hasty judgement, the time is not right. Things haven’t yet had time to establish themselves so judging them too soon would be a waste of time and energy. Let things and situations have space and time to evolve. Let tomorrow take care of itself. Problems or obstacles that have been in your way will either resolve or dissolve as time goes by. This would be a great time to do a kindness or a charitable deed for someone less fortunate than you. This will be energetically replaced with a valuable piece of information. © Stephen Haynes"

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

MY LEGS ARE SORE.....That's what I get for doing the FF WOD twice yesterday. I did manage to go for a 3 mile run with Rocky this morning. Today lot's of arnica & L-glutamine powder today.
I work until 3pm than I'm off to Yosemite. Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Sore legs............................
The past is over. The future will never come. Now is the only moment that will ever exist. Therefore, live each second to the fullest.
Thanksgiving marks the 5th anniversary of Oskar's death.
I give thanks I was blessed to have him for 7 years of his life.
Remembering Oskar...
My little peanut you brought me so much happiness. You were there when I first became a runner, you waited for me during my first Marathon you were there for my first Ultra. Every morning and afternoon when I did my long runs you waited patiently for me to come home so we could walk together. You never complained you just loved me and everyone who you met. You loved Momma Mia( my Mom) so much that after she passed away you became depressed.
You were such a wonderful pet. You left us and you went to be with Momma Mia I know you are enjoy your walks with her ,and one day I will see you, and all my friends and family who have passed away.
I give thanks this Thanksgiving, to all who have come into, and touched my life in a special way.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

FILTHY F'ING FIFTY.....................................round 2
I knew if I came back for the 6pm class I would beat my time. Check it out I did by over 3 minutes. I think I might be sore tomorrow.
I really do like this WOD, it works you!
THE FILTHY F'ING FIFTY........................
I love this workout it kicks your butt. I might go back tonight at 6pm to do it again, since I will miss crossfit Thursday-Saturday :(
The workout ,all the exercises we love ;)
Julia & I showing good form on our push press.
Going over a double under with Julia
Our times for the workout. Great job everyone.

"Not all opportunity is good opportunity, so pick and choose wisely out of the opportunities that will soon be presented. This is a time to be considering the future and putting down strong foundations that will lead to success. If you build the foundations correctly success will follow easily. If you don’t take time to lay the foundation correctly then your plans are likely to fall down. Don’t delay or prevaricate at this time. Propitious happenings are afoot."

Sunday, November 18, 2007

HETCH HETCHY.......................
Hetch Hetchy is a beautiful area. Most people go to Yosemite and neglect to see this beautiful gem. I suggest next time you're heading to Yosemite, stop at HH for the day. The gates are open from 8am-5pm. Free entry during Fall/Winter.
It's closer than driving all the way down to the Valley floor. I plan on making a point to run there more in the future. It's a 3 hour drive and the trails are awesome.
Me doing a little climbing in the tunnel.
Jerry & I on the bridge at HH
Me at an overlook.
Jerry, Max & I on one of the many bridges. There was no water in any of the Falls we past.

Images from Hetch Hetchy run.........................

"I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out until sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in."-John Muir-

Friday, November 16, 2007

TOMORROWS RUN; 26 mile loop around Hetch Hetchy.

I'm feeling ok after all the dental work in the past two days. The left side of my face is a little puffy. The dentest that did the 3 root canals said if it did get really swollen he would have to go in and cut the infection out.OUCH!!! He said he got out most of the infection, which is good. I just think it's swollen because I had so much done in two days.
So this is where me and FJ will run tomorrow. We will head out early and drive home that night. If anyone doesn't have plans for Turkey day and wants to join me in Yosemite Valley I will be heading out Wed. around 3pm and leaving Friday 5pm to come home.
My plan is to run Half Dome Thursday & The Glacier point loop(5 mile trail, Panarama, JMT to happy isles back to camp 4). Let me know if you want to join me.
John Muir Quotes: "Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. "

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Teeth...We should always take care of them.
I have been really bad about taking care of mine the last couple of years. The reason. I did not like my dentist. Saturday one of my back teeth cracked out. So I needed to go to the dentist. I called and changed mine. Went in yesterday and I have a epic going on inside my mouth. From the outside they look lovely but on the inside it's a nightmare. I had 3 root canals yesterday and today 2 crown build ups and an extraction. I go back in 2 weeks where they will decide when they can start work on a bridge. That's what I get for not taking care of them. But now I am and that's the important thing. Lesson learned. Have a great day.

"All is evolution, all is cyclical, therefore endings lead to new beginnings. You cannot begin without an end. If you cannot let go of the past then the past constantly recreates itself. Look now to the future and the paths to your goals will again become clear. Obstacles or limitations will be surmounted and lost or forgotten opportunities will again be presented. Success is now within your grasp but realise that to maximise that success new ways, or new methods, could make life so much easier. © Stephen Haynes"

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Last Pictures from the weekend..................
Max Charging up the trail heading to Yosemite point overlook.
Max, Catra & Jerry hanging out at Yosemite point.
Lost Arrow Spire. Slackline set across. Can you believe they walk across that. Crazy shit!
Me in speia mode.............................
I belong here this is where I feel at peace. Yosemite & it's beauty. One day I hope to live in the wilderness. But for now I will just count the days, until I get to live on the PCT again. Waiting for April to come :)