Life doesn't always go as planned.
Niether me or my friend Darren here thought we would take the 100k option at HURT.
I felt good the first loop on the second loop I didn't feel right. I knew I might have issues during the race because I was taking a antibiotic called Levaquin. I was given this to help so I don't get a bladder infection in my 100 mile races.
There is a list of side effects and I think I experienced most of them. All my joints were so sore I could hardley run. I knew in my heart there was no way I could go another 40 miles. I would of never finished in time because I couldn't run fast enough.
This picture was taken at mile 60 me and Darren were getting ready to head out on the 2 mile loop to finish the 100k.
Yes I was positive the whole time even if I wasn't going to finish the 100 miler.
I love this race and will be back again.
I have run the 100 miler 6 times so I am ok with running the 100k race this year.
When I get back I will have to talk to my Doctor to see if there is another antibiotic I can take.
Hey the good thing is I didn't get a bladder infection :)
I really would of rather put up with, the bladder infection then experiancing the low energy, and joint pain, and neck pain and low energy.
Hey everything happens for a reason.
Friends don't be bummed because I did run the 100 miles. I'm not!