I ran 133 miles in 7 days solid training for Javelina 100 in a few weeks. Also good training for the 24 Rogaine national championship at Henry Coe the week before Javelina. Hey a 24 hour race the week before is a great taper ;-) I did back to back Ohlone runs 31 miles Friday from Del Valle where I drove and left my car. I ran 30 miles back the next day. I wanted to end with 133 miles for the week that's why I did only 30 on Saturday. I am obseesed with the number 3 and two 3's is better than one 3 ;-))) Speaking of being obsessed. I will be on HBO "Real Sports with Brian Gumbel on Tuesday October 18th at 10pm. I hope they don't make me look to crazy. It's about passionate and obsessive runners ;-))) I am really lucky to live where I live to be able to run 31 miles only crossing one road through the wilderness. When I am out there I think of who I use to be and who I have become. Ex drug addict turned Healthy Ultrarunner. It makes me smile. Today I am thinking fondly of my Dad who died when I was 17 he would be 76 today if he were here. I have his love for the outdoors that's for sure. I love you Dad. One day we will be together again but for now I will live for you.
Catra, I just stumbled upon your blog after a search for your name. I just started running last April and I just keep getting hungrier for more and more miles. I'm also an ex-addict turned lunatic runner. I don't know moderation. While I don't run for camaraderie, it's nice to read your blog and your story. Thanks for the inspiration.
I will definitely look for that show! My goal one day is to run the Javalina Jundred considering it is only a 2 hour drive from where I live. But I have no idea how to begin to fathom running 100 miles! What got you started?
Catra, many many moons ago, I came across some article or something while I was in an airport. At the time I was about as far as you could get from being a runner/athlete/healthy living advocate. You were the first "runner" I'd ever seen who didn't look like a "runner". I thought, "Hm..maybe if she can do this, so can I!" That memory stuck in my head for years, until today. Someone mentioned ultra-running and I admitted it was a secret goal of mine. Your name popped up and here you are! Just wanted to send a belated thank you for being such an inspiration. I'm now wrapping up my second year of triathlon and heading into running season during the winter. Your positive attitude is a beacon of light!
Catra... just caught the Real Sports segment. You're a rock star on the trails. Congrats to you and Andy on the twin peaks and good luck in the future.
I am an Ultrarunner. I love to run, my favorite distance is 100 miles. My running takes me to many beautiful places. Life is too short to sit around.
I collect tattoos. I have over 50 tattoos.
I have been clean and sober for 17 years.
Catra, I just stumbled upon your blog after a search for your name. I just started running last April and I just keep getting hungrier for more and more miles. I'm also an ex-addict turned lunatic runner. I don't know moderation. While I don't run for camaraderie, it's nice to read your blog and your story. Thanks for the inspiration.
Very cool about Real Sports. Just saw your pic on the HBO site. Looking forward to checking it out! Enjoy your posts!
I will definitely look for that show!
My goal one day is to run the Javalina Jundred considering it is only a 2 hour drive from where I live. But I have no idea how to begin to fathom running 100 miles! What got you started?
I have the same feeling running.. I run for my dad who died when I was 24. I enjoy reading your blog!
Missing my dad as well! He is in a better place without pain.
Catra, many many moons ago, I came across some article or something while I was in an airport. At the time I was about as far as you could get from being a runner/athlete/healthy living advocate. You were the first "runner" I'd ever seen who didn't look like a "runner". I thought, "Hm..maybe if she can do this, so can I!" That memory stuck in my head for years, until today. Someone mentioned ultra-running and I admitted it was a secret goal of mine. Your name popped up and here you are! Just wanted to send a belated thank you for being such an inspiration. I'm now wrapping up my second year of triathlon and heading into running season during the winter. Your positive attitude is a beacon of light!
I just LOVE the comment by Dr. Seuss. And I thought he was all about a "cat in the hat". What wise words.
You are quite the inspration Catra & hopefully we will run together at some race. Ever run in Tulsa with the TATURS?
Catra... just caught the Real Sports segment. You're a rock star on the trails. Congrats to you and Andy on the twin peaks and good luck in the future.
Love this post! I too am an "EX"in my case alki, running along because I can. Pure and simple!!
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