I wish you sunshine..........
I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace in the world in which you live. More I cannot wish you except perhaps love to make all the rest worthwhile. Robert A. Ward

Please send me positive vibes starting Friday.
Thanks so much ;-)
Persevere and direct your energy towards your goals. If you do this and truly believe in what you’re trying to achieve you will be given the power to succeed. Sometimes obstacles should be seen as a test - pass the test and overcome the obstacles and success will be in your grasp. If you are feeling challenged right now examine whether it is due to misunderstandings or perhaps a mistrust. Opportunities will arise to resolve your situations.
© Stephen Haynes
Good Luck Racing~
Hey Sunshine!
I thought of you as I ran/hiked up Mission Peak today. Best of luck this weekend doing all 100 miles!!
Do you have any estimate window of when you should finish? I live near the finish and would love to see you heading into the finish line after all this time being inspired by your comments.
I should be finishing anytime after 2:30pm if you wanna come out to meet me ;-)
Wishing you happy feet - can't wait to hear all about it! Have fun! ~~Marcy
Sending you Super Good Vibes right now!
you are such an inspiration for hard work, focus and commitment to a goal! thank you for sharing.
best wishes for comfortable weather. have a great run!
1000 tons of positive vibes to you!! Good luck!
Yea Catra! #6! Super running!
Dayum Girl nice run!! 35 hours, you freaking rock!! My joints hurt just thinking about it!!
You love runnin and your good at it. !! Your blog is so eclectic and interesting!! Definitely a good read!!
Saw your finishing time, you came in two minutes after Robert Tuller (CF'er from San Francisco CFE).
Excellent work as always!
Woo Hoo you finished great work and i hope you are feeling o.k. . I hope one day to do as you do with your positive outlook you are an inspiration.
am cuurently reading born to run and dicided to see a product of literary license - great to see a truly unique person once in a while - walt morris
How do you say your first name ? Is it cat like a kitty cat--catra or kay like K --- katra ??
Hey dazpup-
It's pronounced like Cat so Catra ;-)
Inspiring! I'm new to trail running and worry about running alone. Any suggestions?
Love your blog!
~ kara
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