Saturday, April 04, 2009


You do not determine your success by comparing yourself to others, rather you determine your success by comparing your accomplishments to your capabilities. You are "number one" when you do the best you can with what you have, every day . Zig Ziglar
This was a killer workout my friend Flower and I did with Rocky it took us 30:31.
We had a blast.
I am so busy this weekend here is Sierra Madre so no time for along post.
I will update tomorrow.
Flower, Rocky and Catra. at Crossfit elite fitness academy in Monrovia.


Shannon said...

You look like your having fun. Love the story about your mommy.


Hope You're having a great weekend Catra! Still in Japan.... I was actually flying out of Korea yesterday when North Korea launched that rocket.... didn't see it but they came over the radio and basically said to "look out for it"...... Don't know what we could of done though...... :)



jb said...

hey diva thanks for all you inspiration over the last few months as i trained for yesterday's AR50. i had a fantastic day. hope you had a good weekend enjoying nature and living life to the fullest :)

Jon said...

Is it just me or does Rocky look a bit wigged out on the box? He has that "OMGWTFisThat?!" look in his eyes...