How do you go about it in a nice way and tell someone that they are sucking your energy everytime they talk.
I'm thinking just don't get caught up in a conversation with them.
I'm nice to everybody and I hate to hurt anyones feelings.
I guess if I just keep contact with them minimal it will be fine.
Thanks for always reading my blog everyone.
Tonight I will go out dancing..It's a good workout. Plus it's good training. I ran today, crossfit and tonight dancing. That's a lot of exercise ;)

thinking of you ... energy vampires can be tough. i don't have any good advice, but am sending happy thoughts. i had a good run today too! but no dancing tonight.
i hope you are not referring to me!
I have that problem too. It comes with being nice to everyone.. I've had to learn to weigh how much time I spend with certain people. I can still be nice but I will keep communications short with people who drain my energy or sometimes I've had to break of communication with them altogether. It's not an easy balance though. But you got to do what's best for yourself becuase if one or two people suck your energy then you have less to give to 4 or 5 others and everyone loses.
So what kind of MP3 player is that. You have to deal with them now or later.
That's what I do - keep the relationship to a minimum. Besides, I am not even that nice:) I slowly pull away. In the end, you win, Catra, you have more positive-thinking friends than others.
Look how paranoid we all are! I know what you mean about how sad it is that people don't know they're doing it. How draining!
Have a great night!
in fairness, let them know... and we all aren't nice to everyone all the time
maybe these energy vampires are the people that need your help, hope, and inspiration the most. Maybe they need to see and understand that things can change, as they have in your life; that life can be fun and it is more enjoyable to be grateful for what you have than to be sad or disappointed in what you don't have. maybe they need to see how you deal with the stress and problems of your life and they can learn how to do the same. maybe they need to see how you take a bad situation and turn it into a positive life experience. maybe...maybe they need to find a new friend!
maybe they need to find a new friend...like I did in you!
I'm an ACOA (adult child of an alcoholic) I know what you are going thru. It will get better! I promise!!!
Hi mmrj-
Thanks so much for the email!!!
Thanks for the happy thoughts!
Hey Ultra Okie-
I love you and you are not a energy vampire!
Hi Jessica-
You are so right! I am nice with everyone and sometimes I should not be so nice to certain people.
Last night at work this girl I work with went off twice on or about someone at work. The second time I just told her. I feel like you're sucking my energy, I'm going out tonight and want to have fun and not feel drained. I told her to let the drama go. She said I was right and thanked me for listening and left me alone.
Hey Anon-
It's a creative MP3 player it's the MuVo c100 model. I love it!
The bottons are big and easy to press without looking!
Hey SN-
No not you ;)
Hi Olga U R right!
Hi Renee-
Thanks...I hope you are well. Wha cha doing for New Years eve???
Ahhh Thanks Steve :)
Thanks anon!
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