You're wondering what happend to my leg? I was working out with my trainer in the gym and tweeked my leg. My left area on the outside of my knee was sore. I just wore the brace in case it hurt to much. It felt fine with the brace.

What a beautiful sunset last night!
The thought card of the day.
The thoughts I choose to think and believe right now are creating my future.
These thoughts form my experiences tomorrow, next week and next year.

Hi SQ-
Sometimes I run the whole 20 miles and sometimes I walk the uphills.
I'm not running super fast I train to have fun & I only push myself during race's. I think my fasted time to Sunol & back is 4:42. It usually takes me 5-5 1/2 hours to run it.
I'm just out to have fun when I train :)
Good luck with the knee injury, Catra! Hope it goes away soon!
Awesome picture, again. This East Coast girl is always impressed by your landscape out there.
Hey Madhuir-
My legs fine now!!!
Hi Chihping-
The pool is on the other side of the fire road in the Canyon. Not sure where the heck you were??
What fench did you have to climb over???? And why??? Was the park closed???
Oh the momma cows are near Ohlone college right now. They are in the birthing pen. They are all starting to have babies. They keep them in that area so the ranchers can keep track when and who are having the babies.
I saw the first babies on Friday twins to momma 03. They were so cute!!!
Hey FR-
If you ever come to Cali. I will take you on a running tour.
great pic Catra. Looks like a postcard. Sure would be fun to be able to run trails with that kind of scenery.
Oh Chihping-
If you read the sign you would of known the park was closed. It was closed on Friday too(SUNOL). It is a huge fine. Were there people in Sunol????
Yeah when it's looked you have to turn around it means Sunol is closed. If you have this problem again don't hop the gates. We don't want the rangers to think we're bad people.
I have a very good relationship with them and they like us runners except when we hop gates.
It was closed because of high fire danger on that side.
We finally got them to keep Mission Peak open when Sunol is closed so lets not do anything to piss them off.
Hey I got two pacers so It's all good.
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