Never in a million years would anyone think me, Catra Corbett could run 100 miles. This week has been cool it's all about connecting with people from my past. My X- drug dealer Randy emailed me. He got clean way before me and my x-bf. I just realized it's been 13 years since I got clean not 12..How time flies.
Little did I know, but in this picture I was training to be an ultrarunner. I had been up for three days. Great sleep deprivation

Ok Wisdom card of the day:
Each person is part of the harmonious whole...
I choose to believe that "everyone is always helpful."
Therefore, wherever I go in life, people are there to help.
Happy Trails,

You looked great back then & you look fantastic now! Congratulations on all your accomplishments! Now you can deal me some "inspiration"! LOL!
LOL... My X-drug dealer :) Thanks for the compliments. I will be dealing out inspiration and hey guess what that drug is free. And the high you get is the best ever :) We will get together soon. I promise.
hot goth chick! it was a crazy lifestyle eh? i've been there. and love where I'm at now with the running. here's to turning our lives around to something almost as insane but so much healthier for mind and body. life works in strange but wonderful ways. it still trips me out.
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