I had a pretty good run even going into AC on 100 mile legs. I knew if I just put one foot in front of the other and kept positive I would finish.
It always takes me about 6 hours to feel like I'm into the groove of the race.
Before 20 miles I took a pretty good fall scraped my leg and really cut my hand up.
Right before the mile 53 aid station I started getting a bladder infection. I knew I had cranberry juice there and I could put it in my hand held bottle.
I wasn't drinking enough. It got better after a few hours.
I just tried to remain positve. I know all my friends were sending me vibes I could feel it.
I was really lonely during the night. There were no other runners around me. I knew at 2:15 am I would pick up Willem my pacer for the last 25 miles.
My MP3 was pretty much my pacer. I enjoyed just listening to my music and thinking about my past. I had so much going on in my head before I knew it I was at mile 69. It was cool at that aid station they had live video. I got to see my pacer and talk to him on video. Since I had never met him, it was cool to know who to look for.
I picked Willem up at mile 75 and knew this was where my race starts. It's a long climb to the next aid station. It takes between 3-4 hours to get to the aid station.
Willem was great he talked a lot which helped me up the big climb.
I got super sleepy at 5:15 in the morning I even had to sit on the ground for a couple min. I took a no doz at got going again. I wasn't feeling good and Willem had some ginger which saved me.
I was happy when we got to the aid station knowing we had only 16 miles to go.
I tried to do the math in my head when I would finish. For some reason I was off by an hour I thought I would finish in 31:45 but instead I finished in 30:41 my second fastest time.
We got to the last aid station and Jay was working and he had a vegan organic bar waiting just for me. I was very happy since I didn't have a drop bag there.
I was happy to finish in a good time. My feet were blistered and my legs were sore but I knew I could do it. Willem was awesome he kept me going. Sorry I was so quite at the end.
Thanks to all my friends who sent the vibes. Boy, did I get them when I needed them. Even though I was alone at times on the course, I really was never alone because all my wonderful friends were with me in spirit.
Next up Rio del Lago 100 this weekend!

Nice report Catra. It is amazing how you can do these 100's back to back. I need at least 3 or 4 weeks to recover. I was tracking you at Wasatch and AC. Isn't the internet great? good Luck next week at RDL
fabulous! Reading about you doing these back to back runs is just awesome.
Great job Catra! You inspire me!
Great report Catra. Good luck on your next 100 this weekend. Will be sending positive vibes from OK. Please send some my way too. I am struggling a bit.
Very inspiring indeed! I love how you are always ready for a 100 miler. I just heard your endurance radio interview and enjoyed that very much! :)
Are you sure not to be a robot???
Congratulions for your second 100 miles
I follow you and your progress on the AC website
i'm very exciting in front of my laptop!!!
great job
Hey, great job on yet another 100!
I need inspiration - and I spread it back around to my friends in Colorado.
Ditto, squirrel_nutz, on injinji toe-sox, but I wear injinji inside another regular thin sock. Sock changes are slower, but if you wear two pair, you can change the outer sock each stop and the injinji every-other time.
You are fantastic, Catra! Keep it up!
Hey Joey thanks!!! I will just go out and RDL and do what I love to do and thats run!
Hey Tim thanks!
Hi Lora-
Thanks for the post, I'm glad I can inspire you. I feel that's my job in love to inspire everyone I can.
Hey Okie(Steve)
I will send you vibes, I hope everything is ok.
Hey Squierrel-
I do wear injinji socks. It's not the toes it's my heal. I even taped them. They were still blistered from Wasatch.
Wasatch & AC are just those course's that my feet always get a blister or two.
I love the toe socks they rock!!!
Hi Jessica-
Thanks for the post! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview on endurance radio.
Hey Ju-
Thanks for following me! Looking forward to your visit here. And really looking forward to kicking ass on the PCT 2,700 miles next year with you :)
Thank you so much for the post. I'm sorry to hear your friend didn't finish. It's a tough course, I know this was my 5th finish. A lot of great runners dropped. I'm alaways sad when I see someone dropping it makes me sad. But it's best to be smart there are plenty of races to run :)
Next time you see me say hi ok?
Hey Jeffo-
Thanks for the vibes and the advice and comments.
Catra, outstanding job on tackling the craziest 100s, but you've doine it before, haven't you:) Awesoeme! See you this weekend!
I been running by myself on weekdays and being with Scott on weekends. We have been hiking, and climbing. I don't think i'll do the firetrails this year. I would like to run the mission peak one of this day.
Good luck this weekend. I'm sending you tons of positive vibes!
I am so impressed! What an accomplishment. You make it look so easy. Good luck at RDL!
We were all thinking about you and sending you vibes (especially late that night); I'm glad you noticed.
You help inspire me (and others) to do crazy things to our bodies, and to live healthily.
Happy trails,
Bad Ben
Hey SN-
I do have a couple pairs of the pink ones. I like the black best the pink never stay pink for long!
Hey Olga-
Yes, I'm into pain can't you tell ;)
I'm looking forward to seeing you Friday at the briefing. You're going to kick ass Saturday.
Hey Ben-
Thanks for the post. I'm so glad little ol me can inspire so many others.
It really makes my heart feel good about it.
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