I love this time of year it's foggy in the morning. but very warm.
Somedays I just don't feel like getting out on the trail. Today was one, but glad I did. As I was fininishing my run I saw a calf playing with a baby coyote they were chasing each other around. It really made me smile.
Wisdom card....I deserve only good in my life..I release other peoples fears and limitations. I think my own loving thoughts.
Have a beautiful day, go out and run :)

Looks beautiful.
My running gear is beside my desk and my shoes are in the car, still muddy from my last run. It is going to be a good run tonight by the lake. 16:30 cannot come soon enough. Have a great evening...
Hey Cat,
Know what you mean. Last month my kitty was lost and I was so so sad and fearing the worst. The last thing I wanted to do was run... and yet, from experience knew it was exactly what I needed. And, you know, I found myself smiling and laughing at a beautiful little baby lamb standing on new tiny legs. Would not have had that moment if not for the interaction with the world that running provides. BTW... kitty did come back :)
It's amazing all of the different things you can see on Mission. A coyote tried to play with my dog once but my dog chickened out and ran away.
You ever seen a "morning glory". The foggy days are great for those.
Hey Moogy-
Hope you got out and ran. I hope you're enjoy coming back after being injured.
Hey Debbie-
Thanks for the post...I'm so happy to see kitty came back :)
Hi Ted-
What's a morning glory??? Isn't it a flower???
Hey Catra, you're right, that's a flower! Maybe it's just called a "glory" or something. The first one I saw, the sun was coming up over the summit, the fog was down below, settled a coulple hundred feet below me. I was running along the high ridge, and look down. My shadow was very crisp against the fog layer, and a large circular rainbow was all around my shadow. I thought I was having some sort of cosmic experience, it was super cool!!
It can happen from time to time but the conditions have to be just right. The fog has to be settled below you, and the sun has to be between you and the fog.
Every run is a joy these days. But somewhat defeating when I realize how much base I've lost. But then again it means more training. 8) I WILL be back! Have a great weekend...
Hey Moogy-
That's right! You'll be back. You have an awesome weekend.
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