Yosemite....The most beautiful place in the world!
I believe everything in life happens for a reason, that's just me. Everyone who has come into my life has taught me about life.
Even if wasn't a positive experiance at the time. I always later learn why I was with that person, or why I did what I did.
A special someone has come back into my life and it's a really cool thing. It's at the right time. You think you know someone, but when you're on drugs all the time ,you don'.t
Now that I'm clean, I realize I never really got to know this person. It's 12 years later and even though he's an old friend he's a new friend.
We have changed for the good in more ways then one.
I'm happy just living in the moment and being alive.
Wisdom card~
I am my own unique self..
Everyone is unigue and different. If we are like other people, then we are not expressing our own specialness.