I know the snow has come, and running into the backcountry is just plan nuts, this time of year.
I will return during the Winter most likely for my B-day on x-mas eve. I will run through the Valley dreaming of my run/fastpack of the PCT through the High Sierras. I will see the Passes in a differant light. I will be armed with an ice axe and crampons and I will assult each pass with an inner strength that I have never used inside me.
I will respect each snow covered pass and thank each one as I safely summit.
This section of the PCT will be the most gruelling. It always is with snow. Any PCTer will tell you so. I have post holed and climbed on my hands and knees in the Summer trying to get to the top of Muir Pass in a snow year.
I am looking forward to the challege of Fastpacking the whole PCT in May.
I know it will change my life forever. Going into the Sierras for days on end always changes you a little. It teaches me to love and be thankful for all that I have.
Have a beautiful day!

I've been reading your blog for quite some time now. You're a great inspiration and I wanted to say thank you for your great attitude and for the wonderful example you set in living a more passionate life.
I set out for Yosemite on Friday and although I only spent two nights in the valley, I feel renewed and much more able to deal with with things where I live in the Bay Area. I even managed to make it to the top of Half Dome on Saturday! It was my first time to go up there ... so, again, thank you...
Hey C-
Thank you for the nice coments :)
If you were a day early we could of hung out!
id you stay at camp 4??? Were there others going up Half Dome??? Or did you have that beautiful piece of stone all to yourself like I did.
It was cold!!!!
I'm glad you had a great time.
No matter how bad things get for me, if I just head to osemite life gets better.
P.S you are so welcome and I'm glad I can inspire you.
Ahh Zach don't be jealous ;)
I am lucky to live where I live that's for sure!
hey catra,
i hope it will be also beautiful when we will be on our trip
i write an email for you today
Hey Julien baby! What's up??? It will be so beautiful when we go.
I'm looking forward to our journey.
I will take a ice axe and crampon safety class this winter. I wouldn't want to have you save me because I don't know a thing about snow travel.
I should be a pro at self arrest by the time we head out.
Much love to you my friend.
Hey Catra,
Hope you are doing well. I sure wish I could get out and do some fastpacking/hiking/camping/running in the mountains. As you know, we just don't have that kind of thing around here in OK!! Good job on your Dipsea run. That is so cool that you dedicate your races to those that need inspiration and help. I totally admire you.
Take care my friend.
Be careful Catra! :-)
Be careful Catra! :-)
Hey Catra,
You're right, I stayed at camp 4 on Friday and Saturday night... and from what i could tell, there were about 4 or 5 others who also went up half dome on saturday so unfortunately, i didn't have it all to myself like you did. But, there's no way I can complain about that, it was still an incredible day!
I love the snow, ice, raging winter winds!
Good luck!
Even after an ice ax and crampon class, it pays to practice, practice, practice. If you can find a spot near the bottom of a steep snowfield where there's safe run-out, it's a good place to practice falling and self-arresting. The class can teach you the techniques, but practicing until it's 2nd-nature is essential. Fall forward, backward, and every-which-way. Eventually you get like a cat - on ice! The instant you start to fall, you twist and jab.
Your ribs are going to hurt. All that violent twisting usually causes your ribcage to slam into your hip bones. I guess evolution didn't take alpine climbing into account.
I know you'll have fun!
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