The beautiful Sierras

The days are shorter the nights are bitter cold but I still feel so drawn to the beautiful Sierras.
I know the snow has come, and running into the backcountry is just plan nuts, this time of year.
I will return during the Winter most likely for my B-day on x-mas eve. I will run through the Valley dreaming of my run/fastpack of the PCT through the High Sierras. I will see the Passes in a differant light. I will be armed with an ice axe and crampons and I will assult each pass with an inner strength that I have never used inside me.
I will respect each snow covered pass and thank each one as I safely summit.
This section of the PCT will be the most gruelling. It always is with snow. Any PCTer will tell you so. I have post holed and climbed on my hands and knees in the Summer trying to get to the top of Muir Pass in a snow year.
I am looking forward to the challege of Fastpacking the whole PCT in May.
I know it will change my life forever. Going into the Sierras for days on end always changes you a little. It teaches me to love and be thankful for all that I have.
Have a beautiful day!