Saturday, December 27, 2008

Recovery isn't a goal, but a process.
You never stop repairing yourself. You must absorb the light and shadow of each day you live. Don't keep your spirit stuck in yesterday as a new day begins. Prayer is process.
I hope you all had a great xmas..I did,

Crossfit WOD 12/26
3 rounds for time:
Run around carls block
25 squats
25 push ups
25 sit-ups
25 kettle bell swings
time: 21:07
Todays Wod for time as fast as you can:
4.25 mile run on Mission peak 1000ft of climb
Catra 48:04
Carl 45:01


*Ultra*Rockstar* said...

I used to have that same EXACT dress...

Yaya for pink KB!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and Mery Xmas. You look fabulous together. Much love, Deb

runrgrrl7 said...

Sorry to miss your birthday! Scott and i went to the Eastern Sierra for X-mas. We had a great time. BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

mrjwhit~ said...

So what kind of paint did he use for the Christmas kb's? I was thinking of getting my mom's to kbs. Painting them would be a nice touch.

Shannon said...

Where are the kettle balls?!?

I want to see those pink balls!

Anonymous said...

Hi Catra,
Your blog is so inspirational! I was wondering what your recovery program is. I realize that your long distance jogging and exercising is part of it but do still work a program? I'm also in recovery and also participate in ultras and regular strength training, but with work and the rest of it, well, time is so scarce. How do you fit in meetings or work a program with all that you do? I'm a good time manager but there are only so many hours in the day. From what I've gathered you don't have a regular full-time job. So, if you could share with me/others how you do so much, that would be great!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Catra and Carl!! I saw your note on the OneWorld website about the run. Looking forward to it!! Today I did some speedwork at the track along with some sit-ups, squats and push-ups. I have been very, very bad over the holidays but I feel motivated and ready to get back into training.


Catra said...

Hey Anon-
I don't go to AA/NA..I did for the first couple years. I have been clean & sober over 14 years. I think positive and try to be a positive person and I am spiritual person.
Yes I do have a full time job. 30 hours is considered full time at Whole Foods. I have worked for them in the Nutrition dept. for over 9 years. I did take 8 months off from working much, during my PCT journey last year.

I train everyday , I run 6 days a week and crossfit 5. I at some point would love to become a crossfit trainer. I already got my level 1 trainer cert. It will happen when it's suppose to happen.

I do know runners that work their meetings into their schedules seems to work for them.

I just practice my own program by staying in touch with nature and living life and loving life!

*Ultra*Rockstar* said...

It was interesting to hear about your sobriety..its inspring but I am curious if you ever think or have had a slip up?.I know I have and occasionaly do with drinks(I have smoked weed a few times since stopping from being a every/all day smoker)...I still have yet to be the straight edge person I aspire to be.I suppose one has to be fully comitted, and just when I feel I am...I seem to get in my own way.
Just felt like sharing that:)
your expierience is inspiring to me though.

Catra said...

Hi Michelle-
No I have been clean and sober for over 14 years. I couldn't saw that if I did have a slip up. If you have a slip up you start from day 1 again. I have no desire to be the person I use to be so that is why I will NEVER drink or use again.
I just tell myself it's all toxic so why would I want to abuse my body.
Love ya girl just stay positive and keep away from the bad stuff ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding Catra. I appreciate it. How much is your weekly mileage? Not an average. Do you work 8 hours shifts at the store? Also, how do you afford to do so much, today's economy being what it is. Is your house paid off? (I know, that's kinda personal but I read all these ultrarunners blogs and I just can't figure out how everyone affords to do all these races, what with the cost of travel, lodging, etc., not to mention equipment, shoes, clothing, it all adds up very quickly). And I have a very good very well paying job (research at university in Northern California).