Find my soul and I'm yours forever.
~ by Anonymous ~

Starting at forever,
And ending at never.
~ by Anonymous ~

I wasn't looking for love but somehow it found me and hit me on the head and made me think. I have thought I have been in love before many times. But was I??/ I don't think so.
These feeling I have now are feelings I have never had. I have never been sad when I am away from a BF. Infact most of the time I'm happy not to see them everyday. Even when I was married I was happy when my husband was gone so I could run and not have anyone to answer to.
With Andy I'm so sad when I'm not with him. He is the same way. We both cried at he airport when I was leaving knowing it would be 14 days before we could hold each other again.
I didn't know love could hurt. Is it suppose to be like this. Missing someone so much it hurts, has anyone else experienced this???
Andy and I have so muchin commen together, we love going to clubs and hanging out. We love to go out to eat,he's so sweet he has taken me to so many vegan restaurants and he's not even a vegan. We have gone to the beach, movies and even got tattooed together.
We finally ran together for the first time last week. I run when he's at work, but we have never run together. We think it's funny because our relationship wasn't based on running. All my others were, that's what I did ran and who ever I dated ran with me. If it wasn't for ultrarunning though Andy and I would of never met. If i didn't have issues at HURT 100 , only ended up running the 100k me and Andy would of never talked. It was out on the trail with Kimmy that I asked about Andy and she told him I liked him. The universe brought us together at the right time. That's what I believe.
Andy is an amazing ultrarunner he has run 19 100's and many other ultras. We will be running our first race together in a couple weeks a 50k. We will also be running Leona divide 50m, I just hope to keep up with him. I at least know I can kick his butt in a hundred because I usually pass him the last 5 miles.
It's funny to say but with Andy in my life it feels complete for the first time ever.
We live life and love life together. He's my sunshine and I'm his funshine.
Have a beautiful day!