I think my shoe's tell it all. The story of HURT 100 08.So yeah I only ran 100k. But I'm fine with that option. The course was in the worst conditions, i have seen, the 8 years I have run it. I fell at least 6 times.By mile 22 I was ready to bail. I hurt my hip, knee and back. I was not having fun but knew I could not quit. I knew in my heart by the middle of the second loop I would just do the 100k option. I was so sore, my back was really hurting so I was taking what I thought was advil 2 every 3 hours but I got the aleve mixed up with advil. So I was taking way to much and my stomach was getting torn up. Even though I had issues out on the trail, I got to meet some very cool people this year. Everything happens for a reason.
Big John hooked me up with my awesome and badass 16 year old , pacer Haley(seen here in the picture) She's a cross country state champ on Oahu. She had never gone 20 miles before. She was an angel. She was with me for 9 hours. I got her thinking about running a marathon. I know by the time she was done pacing me she wanted to get tattoos and a peircing. I will for sure have out pacing me 20 miles again next year.
It rained a lot and the course was muddy, slippery and sloopy. I had to focus just to stay up right. I have been through so much in my life in the 8 years since I have run HURT 100. I have a love hate relationship with the course. For some reason the Cure's song just like Heaven played in my head a lot. I even played it over and over on my MP3 player to keep me going, which it did.This year I got really bad blisters on my heals. I hope they heal in time for the 50k this weekend.Tomorrow I will get a massage and I will see what I need to do to be ready to roll in 2 weeks for Rocky Raccoon 100.
Joel was the man. Seen here fixing my feet at the finish. I just want to thank all who helped with the race. You guys & gals all rock.
Thanks to my niece Tiffany and my 2 mile pacer Julia for being my biggest supports out there. Even though I felt like I let you guys down. I know, I know, get over it :)
At least Julia you got a whole extra day to work on your tan.
Me looking fresh at the start.
Me looking totally worked at the finish.
Yes, I do have tattoos under all the mud!!!
Running shoes? Nope these are my mudders. Can you even see my dirty girl Gaiters?? I'm glad I had them on.
Happy 24 hour 100k finisher....Thanks to all my friends and supporters of my blog who all kept me going to the 100k mark. It's the kind words I read each day from you folks who keep me pushing along. I love all of you."Show me how you do that trick The one that makes me scream" she said "The one that makes me laugh" she said And threw her arms around my neck "Show me how you do it And I promise you I promise that I'll run away with you I'll run away with you"
Spinning on that dizzy edge I kissed her face and kissed her head And dreamed of all the different ways I had To make her glow "Why are you so far away?" she said "Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you That I'm in love with you"
You Soft and only You Lost and lonely You Strange as angels Dancing in the deepest oceans Twisting in the water You're just like a dream
Daylight licked me into shape I must have been asleep for days And moving lips to breathe her name I opened up my eyes And found myself alone alone Alone above a raging sea That stole the only girl I loved And drowned her deep inside of me
You Soft and only You Lost and lonely You Just like heaven