Me in Sunol today, just being me and having fun.
Thought of the day...
Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. If all humans would communicate with impeccability of the word, all of our relationships would change. There would be no wars, no violence, no misunderstandings.
Have a beautiful day.

Glad to see your incredible smile this morning!!! I'm working the night shift, so afternoons are "morning" to me.. :) Yellowknife is quite an interesting place.....
Don't worry, You'll find your soulmate... "when You seek it, You can't find it....." An old Zen saying that I've always liked....
Hey tom-
I'm glad your doing well.
I bet little Ash is getting so big.
rock on Catra. It's all about the fun...
Hey Steve that's right!!!
Hey Catra,
Did a training run on the Route 66 course on Saturday. Gonna be fun on the Mother Load 100. Not much shoulder in some spots, but also not a lot of traffic either. Met some nice folks and had a great time.
Hey Steve-
I need to do some training on the road for MR 100.
Ugg...I don't like running on the road but I will force myself to do a 30 mile road run each week to get my legs ready.
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