I choose to live my life the way that I want to.
If I want to drive to Yosemite for the day, and run up Half Dome I do it!
I think everyone should break out of their bubble and get out and live more

We don't know if today will be our last day. I know if I die tomorrow people will say she lived her life how she wanted.
Get out and live.

I find it's a perfect life style. I'm follower of this style life but unfortunately much of anybody don't understand it!!! because much of anybody calculation their life…
life is to short
live more...enough said.
Hey Running man-
I work for Whole Foods market. I work in the nutrition department.
I've been there for 7 years now.
They are very good about giving me time off.
I guess not having no kids makes it easy for me to come and go. I also own a house with my sister.
We plan on selling in a couple years.
I plan on traveling a lot more once I sell my house. I want to see more of the world.
Hey Ju-
Thanks for the post. Yep life is to short thats why we need to live.
Hi Catra,
Been meaning to say hi for awhile! I found your blog via Steve Edward's Birthday Challenge. Steve is an old old friend of mine. Anyway, Steve and our other ole friend Sandee got together the other day and as we were talking I mentioned your blog... (Sandee's running her 1st 100 miler in November.) And Sandee's sayin she's been reading you for months... and we are all like "man that girl is so rad." Anyway, you should know that we love you like a hurricane.
Hey Debbie, I saw you had a friend running a 100 miler in November. Is it the Mother Road 100 in Oklaoma? I am entered into that one.
Catra, you are too cool girl. Wish I could sell the house and travel the world too. Hey, two's company, three is a .....
Duh, can't even spell my home state correctly: Oklahoma!
Yep, I'm kinda in the same boat as Running Man, but no regrets, being a Father is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. Catra has always been an inspiration to me and hopefully some of that will "rub off" on my little son....
Also, Catra when you start traveling more You KNOW that You're coming to Alaska...... :)
Hey Debbie-
Thanks for the email :)
What 100 is Sandee running?????
Hey tell Steve hello from me :) Hey if Sandee has any questions she can email me.
Welcome back, Catra! Hope you had a blast in the sierras!
PS: Thanks for the refering David at Performace Plus. He was awesome!
Hey Madhuri-
I'm happy to be back. I miss David. He's in France until next week, I left him a message. I need a massage before I head out to Utah next week.
I'm glad you went to him.
He is the BEST!!! :)
I loved reading this post. I'm a married mom of one and have the ENTIRE weekend to myself while my husband and dtr. go up North leaving me to housesit and stay with our dog..reading this post has me feeling less lonely and more adventurous!
Gotta agree with herc. A house and kids may keep me from taking off on a whim as much as I may like, but then they ARE part of the life I choose to live. I don't look at it as a sacrafice, but as something that makes my life even more fullfilling.
However, the reminder to "get out and live" is always a good one. I think it is even more important when you have kids as it sets an example for them that you should never stop persuing your personal goals and dreams.
You said it. Your life is what YOU make it...not what others tell you it should be.
Leaving for the Eastern Sierras on Wednesday for my first backpacking trip! Woo Hoo!!
Brad have fun. I love the eastside.
Hey Christine-
I hope you get out and run this weekend. Go out and have fun ;)
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