Cooling my legs in a pool of water in Sunol

Thought of the day-
Real love is accepting other people the way they are without trying to change them.
If we try to change them, this means that we don't really like them. It is easier to find someone who is already the way you want him or her to be, instead of trying to change that person.
This is so true. In my marriage I tried to change the person I was with. You can't change anyone. I learned this.
Still searching for my soulmate.

Great thought, Catra. So True.
Looks like someone was at Little Yosemite today in Sonol! It was a bit warmer than I expected doing MP today. That cool water would have been oh-so-good.
What route did you guys run in Sonol?
Great thought, Catra. So True.
Looks like someone was at Little Yosemite today in Sonol! It was a bit warmer than I expected doing MP today. That cool water would have been oh-so-good.
What route did you guys run in Sonol?
Hi Steve-
I run all over the place in Sunol. I usually go out and do the loop around Maguire peaks loop, vista grandae, Eagel view trail, backpackers camp to Little Yosemite.
I love running out to Rose Peak too.
The thought of the day is so true. My first marriage was disasterous because we wasted our energy trying to fit our square lives into round holes that we created for each other - doesn't work. Luckily, I found the perfect woman the second time around, and she tolerates my imperfections :-)
Hey Jack that's great!
now if I can only find a guy that understands my love of life, Tattoos, and spending hours & hours outdoors in nature. That would be great.
Well my X Ammon did. But we wern't a good match.
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