a day and a night together. I had so much fun with him. He bailed on me at the Vermilion resort juntion.

I met so many cool people on the trail this year.
People ask me all the time arn't you afraid out there alone? NO! I feel so much safer out in the Wilderness than I do in the city.
Even when hanging out with complete strangers. People on the trail have a trust and respect for each other. I only get good vibes from every person I have met in the Sierras.

Hey Squirrel-
LOL your right! I hated running. Who would of ever thought I would become an Ultrarunner??? No me.
I couldn't even run 1 lap around the track back then.
You were behind me yesterday?? I ran to Sunol and back 20 miles.
Hey SN-
How do you remember me?? I didn't go by Catra in High School.
I'm glad you enjoy reading about my adventures.
Hey SN-
WOW you even knew my Dad and my brother Jay?
Make sure to say hi to me when you see me again.
Yes the Stanford side is a lot more challenging that's why I love it!
Do you ever hike in Sunol?? It's beautiful there.
I'm runnning out of Sunol tomorrow with my running friends.
Have an awesome day.
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