-John muir-
I made it 2,000 miles had to quit because of giardia and I hurt my knee.
The end of April is when the main heard start.
I will keep all these amazing people in my thoughts and prayers while they take on this epic journey. Not all will make it to Canada and everyone will have to skip some areas this year because of closures.
I will be out there spreading some trail magic out in Tuolumne and Sonora pass.
So PCTers when you see the girl with fusia hair, tattoos and piercings it will be a good sign. I will have fresh fruit and cold drinks waiting for you at the trail head.
Good luck to the class of 2010.

Somewhere near Idyllwild ;-) alone and having fun!!
Ok my friends it's my big weekend, I'm running Miwok 100k so please send me positive vibes and energy Saturday as I run this race.
Thanks to all of you for following my wacky blog. I love you all ;-)