Monday, February 22, 2010

FACE YOUR FEARS..............

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face... The danger lies in refusing to face the fear, in not daring to come to grips with it... You must make yourself succeed every time. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt

Saratoga Fat ass 50k was a blast we only got lost once and if my friends Jerry and Mike would of listen to me, we would of went the right way.
But then again it's all part of a Fat ass run, no trail marking no wimps no whiners. The weather was foggy and it rained at the end we did have sun for a little bit too.
The course was great you ended up back at your vehicle every 10+ miles. It was 3 loops all different. I plan to go back and run there again sometime. It took us over 8 hours. My excuse was I ran 28 miles the day before ;-)

I saw Wicked the play, Friday night with Jerry it was awesome loved it.
I loved all the costumes especially the shoes.

Last night we saw Shutter Island it is a must see movie. i really liked it.

This week I plan on doing a 30-40 miler on Wed. night as my last long run for Coyote two moons 100. My IT band was a little sore but today it feels 100 times better.

Well it's that time again gotta go to work enjoy your day.
I am blogging when I can since I don't have a computer, well I do but Andy needs to fix it.
So sorry if I'm not writing every day. ;-)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. Alan Cohen
It was another awesome day in Fremont California ;-)...well it got cloudy later in the day. they say rain tomorrow and Saturday ;-( Well i enjoyed it while it was here. Running Saratogo fat ass 50k Saturday. Planning on running 20-30 miles tomorrow for training...
I will see how my body feels.
Going to San fran to see the play Wicked tomorrow night with my roommate Jerry should be fun.

I'm getting excited about running Coyote two moons 100 in a few weeks. Andy will be working it so he won't be on the trail with me.
I really love the challenge of the course, it's hard and that's what I love about it.

Have a beautiful weekend and send me positive vibes for my 50k. Oh and if you have a dog take them out on the trail, they will love you for it!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.

Great workout and great run today... If you like my HTFU gear
You can go to to order some cool stuff. I love this quote it's my mantra for all that I do now..It reminds me to be tough and stop complaining when things get hard..It reminds me that in life you need to HTFU ;-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

YOUR UNIQUE TALENT...............
Use your talent (everybody has one) in anyway you can. Don't keep it for yourself like a miser - spend it like a millionaire! Lucy MacDonald

Twin Peaks 50 miler 9well lets not kid ourselves 52 miler0 was a blast......... Finished in 14:38 happy about my time.

Andy ran the whole race with me, since it was our Valentines day weekend celebration of having fun together. yeah we're a little twisted. I felt great the whole race pretty much except at the end when my blister in my right shoe erupted like a volcano as I was running super fast listening to my life with the thrill kill cults song, sex on wheels.

It was a beautiful day and the race was very well organized. Thanks Jess it really was great. The volunteers were awesome and the radio guys were great.
Sorry my post is short but my computer is not working so have to post on my dinner breaks this week.
Thanks for all the positive messages my friends. i love you all.
Enjoy this beautiful California weather while we have it ;-)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We work on ourselves in order to help others, but also we help others in order to work on ourselves.
Pema Chodron
I so believe this. Whenever you help someone you are learning and helping yourself. You can give advice on something and it will help you, knowing you are helping someone else.

We should all help each other whenever possible . Just listening or offering to do something nice even if it's a small thing.
Getting ready to head down South to run Twin Peaks 50 miler Saturday. Please send me positive vibes. I hope you all have a wonderful and happy weekend.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

IT'S WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT.................
It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. Dale Carnegie
Ok here are some pictures from Saturday course measuring which we will be putting on next month. It's the Mission Peak Fat ass 50k. I'm not sure how much climbing it has, Jerry has it all on his gps.
We both wore our GPS's and got 32 miles.
You climb out of Ed Levin to Monument peak then run the fire road to the first water which is about 6.5 miles, you do an out and back to the water then head over Mission peak along the Bay ridge trail then the Ohlone college trail then a loop from YSC to the Panorama trail. You connect again with Bay ridge Mission Peak trail then head back over Mission peak then down and take the Ohlone trail to Sunol park. The back over Mission peak to the Horse heaven trail following the Ohlone 50k course
To the parking lot and a 1 mile road run to my house where we will finish.
we will have to car shuttle to the start. I'm looking forward to running it again. It took us 10 hours. It was muddy and we stopped a lot and we finished the last 3.5 miles running in the dark.
I am going to make a blog page for it.
I'm getting excited about Twin Peaks. I leave Thursday after work for SoCal, I'm flying down..Woo Hoo...

Monday, February 08, 2010

TRIUMPH OVER FEAR..................
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Nelson Mandela
So I didn't make it into Hardrock 100. they had 140 slots with over 400 apps. for the lottery. 40 of the slots were given away to past winners and I think 5 time finishers. So really there were 100 slots open.
I am 121 on the wait list LOL... Why even have a wait list with so may runners?.
Andy didn't get in either.
I'm kinda happy because I really don't have the money to run it this year. So my focus will be getting out on the John Muir trail this year to do hopefully a triple since it hasn't been done. Well, as far as I know. I will have to post to the hiker forums to see if anyone has fastpacked it. I do still have the YO Yo record, for now. But there are a couple guys that have mentioned they would like to break my record. That's why there are records, they are meant to be broken right???
These pictures were taken on Fridays long run. It was an awesome day!!!
I will write up about post pictures from Saturdays run. My roommate Jerry and I measured the Mission Peak Fat ass 50k course. It's 32 miles. I need to decided which day to put it on. It took us 10 hours..LOL..we ran in slippery mud and in the dark coming down. We started late and didn't bring flash lights..That's what we get. I will post tomorrow about that.
I'm running Twin Peaks 50 miler with Andy Saturday should be fun!
Sorry about not posting much but my computer has an issue that Andy will fix when I'm down.
I hope you all have a great day!!
New beginnings or the possibilities of a new start are soon to be presented. Use your inner magician to pull together all the components of what soon will be in the offing, as you should now be able to manifest your hopes, dreams and desires. Remember you are only at the beginning, the first stages of development, so the more you are able to accept the more will be given to you.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

We are reminded how short life really is, and how we are just passing through. So, all the people you haven’t told you love lately, tell them, and live your days like you mean it.

I love all of you..I really do.
Today I had a Chiropractor appointment so I decided to run there and get a flat training run in, 13 miles. Well first of all I forgot how hilly it is around where I live. I counted 9 climbs some were short some were long. It really is good training for Umstead 100. I do prefer Alameda creek trail for Umstead training. which I will run a couple times a week ,and I will try and do a few 50k's out on it before Umstead.
Even though I was running on the road I had views of Mission peak the whole time, which is always a beautiful site.
I wore my new Vasque transistors FS which I loved.

Run faster and farther wearing the next evolution in trail running shoes. By eliminating footbeds, the Transistor FS seamlessly connects your feet with changing terrain for unsurpassed control. The patent-pending FootSync system's shape-shifting Flux foam constantly adjusts to your foot, offering a true custom fit. The Immerse 360 last hugs the bottom of the foot, giving you the stability and support you need to attack the trails. Lightweight Rocknrolla plate system protects against excessive rotation when landing on uneven terrain, while still promoting plenty of forward flex. Waveform S/C midsoles mirror the foot's overall shape with constant support that won't diminish over time. Synthetic leather uppers with breathable Airmesh nylon and moisture-wicking linings. Vasque Synapse outsoles with slip-resistant compound.
I felt pretty good after running the road. I did a mini wod handstand push-ups 25, Kettlebell swings 25. 3 rounds.
The weather was awesome looks pretty good until Friday, and then rain all day Saturday just in time for my 50k training run oh well.
Ok everyone get out and run!!!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Things that seem hard are not always that hard. Put one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get to the end.

Had a wonderful run this morning it was the calm before the storm. We are suppose to get rain starting tomorrow.
I actually don't mind running in the rain as long as I'm prepared it's all good.
I have just one training left week for Twin peaks 50 miler.
I'm looking to it. I'm hoping the weather will be much better then last year. Trust me it couldn't be any worse unless it snows the whole time and is a white out ;-)
as you can see in my pictures it was an awesome day. I ran 10 miles and felt great even though I was sore from my weekend and doing different workouts.