I finished Headland Hundred in 29:51. It was a tough course. I had 4 great pacers who got me through it. I just want to thank each of them. Rick Gaston Paced me to Tennessee valley only because his runner DNFed. Thanks Rick. Heather from atalanta athletic wear paced me 10 milesand helped me even when I was falling asleep on my feet. Her BF Randy paced me 15 miles through the long cold night. Thanks for your help you were awesome. I must of stopped at least 20 times to take my jacket on and off through the night. Ryan 10 long slow miles. Thanks for listening to me and keeping me company you were great. Without your help it would of been much harder.
Mile 0-25 It started out foggy and nice. It got cold only on the ridges. It was great seeing so many friends and meeting lots of new ones. Met Rick Cheevers running his first trail 100. He has run 24 hour- 6 day multi day runs. Congrats. on your finish. Barbra Asher at 58 running her first 100 you rocked the course in just under 28 hours.
The first 25 I went out a little fast I think. You get caught up with the 50 mile runners.
Mile 25-50 I was alone a lot just enjoying the day. I met up with Andy a blooger friend at mile 40 something we chatted and helped each other out to until his 50 mile finish and my half way point. Awesome finish Andy.
Mile 50-75 Rick Gastons runner dropped so I asked if he wanted to pace me to Tennessee valley he agreed we had a good time talking and getting to know more about each other. I picked up Heather at mile 62. She would pace to mile 72. We had a great time through the night talking about all kinds of stuff. I got really sleepy and was falling asleep on my feet for like 5 miles. I really needed food. We arrived at mile 72 where her BF Randy would take over. The volunteers were awesome they had vegan miso soup for me out at two aid stations. I took every time I came through. I took a no doze and perked up. Randy paced me from 72-86.5. It was a long slow time he was awesome we had a fun time he was a very helpful pacer and took awesome care of me during the long cold night.
Mile 75-100 It was great getting to mile 75 and having some miso soup. It was tough knowing that I had to do that hellish 25 mile loop again but happy to know it was once more and once I got back to Rodeo beach again I would be done.
The 8 mile section to the aid seems so long. We arrived there around 7am Happy it was new day. I was feeling really trashed 24 hours into it but knew if I just put one foot in front of the other I would finish. My goal time of under 29 fizzled away but new I could go for plan B under 29 it gave me a goal. I picked up Ryan at mile 75 he would go 10.5 with me. I was really slow but he was great. Just a side note my 3 pacers were first time 100 mile pacers. They all are adventure racers so knew about being delirious and tired. Ryan did great it was nice just having a person to talk to.
I decided to run the last 4 to the finish alone. I needed alone time. I called Andy during this stretch I needed him to pace me that last climb up Wolf ridge. I was sad not having him out there he has run with me the last 4 hundreds and paced me at one. This was number 6 of the year for me. It was great having the option to call him. He helped get me up that climb.
I really couldn't believe how trashed I felt at the end of this. I just focused on getting up the ridge and not letting any hikers catch me. I got to the top and a lady who was just out on run was trying to catch me. Well that's what I thought in my head so of course I really pushed hard those last couple miles. I arrived at the finish in 29:51 I was in lots of pain felt like a steam roller ran over me ;)
Just want to thank Wendell & Sarah for putting on a wonderful race. The volunteers were all awesome and it was perfect weather. I will run it again next year I know I can do better.
I cannot imagine...you rock.
Simply amazing.
Hi Catra, It was great to meet you and chat out there, you really helped me that last 10 miles of the 50 to not focus on my complainin quads! ;-)
And you ROCK for gettin 'er done, great job!!! Sounds like it wasn't too cold overnight.
Keep up the great running, and hope to see you out on the trails again soon. - Andy
Catra, you did great! Just look how many dropped - but then again, dropping is not an option for you:) Glad you had so many friends helping you through, and that Andy was able to "walk you up" last climb.
You amaze me! (And I bought some trail running shoes today, so now I've gotta do some trails, right?)
Oh Catra! Thank YOU for having us. I had a blast! And, YOU ROCK! have a great week.
I'm sorry we missed you at the finish! I had a bday party I had to get to.
Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a blast running with yer guy.
Way to go under 30!
Hey thanks for bringing me along as well! It played out like you thought it might. Pace you to Tennessee valley and see if I can pick up another runner from there and I did. Great suggestion and it saved my night. Got to enjoy the trails after all, hang out with you and help Donald out.
I meant to say "Nice to meet up with you" not "Nice to meet you". You probably thought I was delirious again like when I told that single runner "good job guys".
Good job!!!
Nice job! I was being paced by Craig and I remember you passing and telling Craig "this course is brutal." I was so happy that it wasn't just me who thought it was tough! I have nothing to compare it to (it was my first 100) so I thought maybe I was just kind of a wimp. Congrats!
My pacer rocked, he pushed me hard through miles 62-87. The middle of the night section. My last 25 miles were a negative split by 1:30.
When Art surprised me with 2 miles to go, I thought to myself, "This has just been the most amazing 30 hours ever, nothing could make this any better"
Having you cheer for me as I crossed the finish line was simply the icing on the cake. (even though I don't really eat cake :-) That one simple action meant the world to me. You Rock.
p.s. I took one 15 minute break and that was it...
p.s.s. I also got into ATY72!!!!!!!!!!!
You totally rocked it girl. I wanna be you when I grow up.
Congrats on your finish! It was nice to kinda/sorta meet you this time - next time I'll stop and talk more, I promise. Thanks for letting me steal Rick away, too!
Good luck with your next race.
Great run, Catra!!! You looked great each time through Muir Beach. :-)
- Fred
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