LEARN TO FORGIVE...........He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. Thomas Fuller

PLEASE READ............I pray they find Gina and her brother safe.
Gina Natera has been missing since the morning of September 20, 2009. She left to go for a run and hasn’t been seen or heard from.
Her car found east of the 5 and Ortega Hwy at a shopping center in Orange County, CA.
They believe she was meeting her brother in law and they went for a run. He did not show up to work on September 21, 2009.
If you know ANYTHING please call 760-458-3511 or 858-353-4390 or 858-603-3399
Search parties are going, respond if you want to be involved.
Please forward the communiqué to everyone.
In gratitude,
Update from Scott
Here's the latest. Gina went running Sunday with her brother up near the San Juan's. According to Gina's husband (Armando), Gina and Fidel (her brother) were going to go for a long 8 hour run. Armando does not know where they planned to run or where they were going to meet.
I have spoken to the detective who is leading the search and according to him, Gina's car was located at the Starbuck's in the strip mall just off of the I-5. This would appear to be the meeting place for Gina and Fidel since he is from Anaheim and would be driving south on the I-5. Gina's car was not vandalized and was simply parked. This indicates that they met there and then went in Fidel's truck (an F150) to go to some trail head to run. I told the detective that the most probable places that they might have been running were either Lazy W, Blue Jay, or the Candy Store off of Ortega.
I called Keira since she is so knowledgeable of this area and she energized several others to check on the parking areas that seem possible....she with the help of the OC runners did not find any sign of Fidel's truck. Keira's hypothesis and I believe it is very possible is that while driving in Fidel's truck up Ortega, that they possibly had an accident and swerved off the road....this is purely speculative but has some compelling evidence behind it because: Gina knows the trails and would not get lost, Sunday is a high usage day and it is improbable that she and her brother would get in trouble on the trail without someone coming across them, and the possibility of an animal attack for two persons seems unlikely.
I have passed all this info to the detective and Armando and he is currently enroute to Ortega Hwy to drive up and down it looking of any sign whatsoever of skid marks, tire marks on the shoulder, or any road side disturbance. He only has another hour of day light. He is going to call me tonight when he returns. If he doesn't find anything, I am going to go up to Ortega tomorrow myself and look up and down the highway for the same thing he is looking for. Armando is going to call me tonight upon his return....I will keep you all informed. Keep Gina and her brother in your prayers.