A New Day
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely. Ralph Waldo Emerson
She was running 11th woman for a while and she kinda fell apart so I was happy to be able to take her home.

I have always idolized Kathy I have watched every video she has been in and though who in the heck is that little person. She is small but stronger then anyone that I know when it comes to pushing through whatever pain and obstacle that is dealt to her out on the trail.
We passed through HWY 49 and she came alive she started running strong and fast. She passed so many people I counted at least 16 runners. I was hanging on for dear life when she was running 7.5 min. miles to No Hands.
We met Ruby thank god. I got a break and headed to Robie to bring her home with Ruby. Poor Ruby had to run all that up hill from No Hands with her Mom.
She was running fast and we hit the track and me and Ruby fought to stay with her. She finished in 29:06 her 11 WST 100 mile finish.
Kathy I am so proud of you and you will always be my hero. I know have a new name for you. Little Firecracker. You are little with red hair and you exploded like a firecracker at the end.
In a few weeks Kathy will be pacing Andy and I at TRT I am looking forward to spending time on the trails again with my idol.