I didn't sleep well woke up a few times to people making a bunch of noise walking by. I also woke up a bunch of times to go pee. I wanted to be totally hydrated before the race. I got a pretty bad bladder infection during my Ohlone 100 a few weeks ago and didn't want that to be a issue.
I wanted this race to be fun for Andy and I since it would be the first time we would run 100 miles together as a couple, and stay together to the end.
This was also a very special race for Andy, it would be the 5th time he had run this race also it was the very first 100 miler he ever ran. I was so excited to be part of this special journey.
We started off at a mellow pace I don't like to get to caught up in going out fast. It's 100 miles and it's a long way to go so going out fast is not a good idea. I was just enjoying the morning and the friends along the trail.
I just felt bad because Andy could of run much faster. But he was very honest about wanting to stay with me, and it wasn't about racing or running fast just spending time with each other on the trail.

I had noticed Vinnie went out fast and I told Andy I bet we catch him at 50 miles.
We got into an aid station and there he was. Mile 43 we caught him. We all ran the last 7 miles into the start/finish aid mile 50. It was time for us to get our warm clothes and lights. The best part of the race is you can use your car at the start/finish as aid at mile 20/50/70. So we had a cooler with our cold drinks and snacks. Andy & I changed socks and got warm clothes. Vinnie was having issues and he stayed to regroup.
I was feeling really good when we left. I was very emotional running with Andy 100 miles. I thought how lucky I was to have him with me. Andy was having some issues and early on rolled his ankle. He had taken a couple advil so he was ok. I think at some point we both had stomach issues.
I got sleepy early on and took a no-doze at 10pm. I of course was so wired I talked non stop. Poor Andy had o just listen to me ramble on and sing along with my mp3.

My feet were a little sore and my legs were actually tight most of the race. This last 30 miles I knew would be tough. I really could run more than a slow shuffle but at least I was able to move good on the up hills.
Funny how all the aid stations seem so far away at this point. It's just because I had slowed down so much. I still was having fun even if it was taking forever to get to the finish. The whole time it was like me and Andy were pacing each other. I would hit a low point and he would bring me back up. He would hit a low point and I would bring him back up.
I was happy once the sun was coming up. But at about 7am I just felt my energy being drained. I just could get running so I did the best I could. Just took Andy's advice and putt one foot in front of the other. I was so happy to finally get to mile 93 not so happy that I wasn't going to make it in 28 hours like I planned but hey things happen and I was just so happy I was with Andy.

Lucky for me, Andy is so mellow and calm and just would say were almost there.
I knew finally we were almost there because I saw my Mountain. A Mountain I said I wanted to climb a day earlier which by the way I was not going to!!!
When I saw it I knew the end was near.
I was very thankful when I saw the finish line. I also thought how lucky I was to have such a loving and caring boyfriend who stayed with me the whole way.
I thought if a couple can run 100 miles together they sure have a strong relationship. I really feel being out there with Andy for 29 hours made our relationship a lot stronger even though it was fine before.
We both know how lucky we are to be in love and have each other.
I am so proud of you Andy Kumeda for getting your 5th finish at San Diego 100. Next up Bighorn 100 in less then two weeks. We plan on having fun again.
I just want to thank Scotty & Paul for putting on an awesome event. Also I want to thank all the wonderful volunteers who made sure we were taken care of all along the way. You guys were the best.
I will be back next year to get my 5 year finisher jacket like Andy got.
Great job Catra; tell the truth, was there a time you wanted Andy just to go and finish the race?
Hey Catra,
Really you took the same track.....supa cool!!!!
that's true it was to short but i'm sure we will spent another time together...because i want to come back run to Mission peak ;) and ohlone....
and i must still learn english ....but i make a progress with my job!!
i will be back i think next year for Western state....
and another races...
Hey Tom-
No I never wanted him to leave but I did feel bad because I was so slow.
The plan was to run this as our first 100 miler together. We are running Bighorn 100 together too.
The next 5 hundreds that we are running we will run 4 together. Andy wants to race AC 100 he wants to get a second sunrise buckle.
We are just having fun as long as we can ;)
Came across your blog via other Ultra runners blogs. Totally amazed at you 100 mile guys. I ran my first 30K trail race in Austin 2 weeks ago and it was brutal. (Read about it on my blog.) I hope to run my first 50M in Sept. you guys are incredible...all of you 100 milers.
Hey Catra. Great job out there. I'm always entertained and impressed with your racing adventures. Can't believe you guys are doing it all over again in two weeks. Amazing!
Awesome job! Every finish is a wonderful accomplishment whether you feel fast or slow. Keep up the great work. Isn't the "couple" thing neat? I am blessed with an awesome husband - we'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary later this year - Yay!
Successful relationships are built on "give and take" from each partner - we sometimes go fast and sometimes run slow! But we always try to do it together! Keep smiling and keep having fun - you guys are great!!!
Congratz... you guys rock... Stevo
fantastic job, Catra!
Hey there,
I've been following you for a while and am so impressed with all your long distance runs! You're such an inspiration, I always want to head out straight away after reading about your adventures. Keep going! :)
Hey Girlie,
It sounds like you had a marvelous time with Andy. Congratulations on another 100 mile finish.
What are the new "wrap" style tops you are sporting? I particularly like the pink one. :)
Congrats Catra. Sounds like a very cool race and a special event as well. See you both soon!
Hey JoLynn-
atalanta athletic wear makes them. Same company that makes the skirts I wear. I have a link on the blog if you want to order one.
It was the first time I wore it and it was awesome the whole 100 miles.
It was cool meeting you at the Sunrise Aid Station (surprised that we recognized you from "Running Madness" since it was late). Congrats on another finish and thanks for 'thanking the volunteers and RD's' :)
Sunrise AS Captain
I surprised you did recognized me from the video since I have a million more tattoos and I think I look much better now..LOL ;)
You guys had the best lentil vegan soup ever :) I was bummed that you guys were the only ones with that yummy soup.
I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being out there. You guys were so up beat and loved the hula skirts.
Maybe see you again on the trails.
What races do you have coming up??
Thanks again.
Congratulations Catra and Andy!!sounded like you guys had a lot of FUN!
Congratulations Catra. I saw you out there and you looked very strong. I had a though race and found the last 13 miles super difficult; however, I finished in 30 hours.
Great race report Catra! You and Andy look amazing as always! Congrats on the 100m. I was thinking about you guys!
Hi Catra! I ran into your blog off of a few other ones, namely Andy's and Olga's (Marathon Maniacs! Represent!)
Nice work at SD100 with Andy! A fellow Maniac (Jess Mullen) finished 3rd at that race. It was her second attempt at a 100 and she was hell bent on finishing this one!
BTW, are you the same Catra Corbett listed in the Fixing your Feet book? Just like to associate a Foot to a Face to a Name. :-D
Hi Jon-
Thanks for stopping by.
I didn't get to meet Jess, but my friend Jim Boyed mentioned she was running. Awesome job for her, she did great.
I was just wanting to finish and not kill myself. I ran a hundred 3 weeks ago in tough conditions. This was just a training run for Bighorn 100 which is next Friday.
Thanks for the post. Enjoy your day.
OOPs Yes Jon those are my feet ;)
Great report, what fun you can run it all with Andy!
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