As most of you know I had some sort of surgery last week. Which I did. Most of you already know I had a breast agmentation last Febuary. I had some complication that do occour ,and knew I had to have them redone. One of the breast was bottoming out a term when there is no tissue to hold the implant up. Dr. Zandi had to go in and built a pocket to hold it up. The other side had a fold in it. so there was a little dent sticking out. He corrected that by putting in a thicker implant since I have very thin breast tissue . They now look great.I also had a hereditary trait that my Mom and my aunts have. Where as you get older you upper eyelids get very droopy. Tends to make you look tired when you're not. The surgery is called blepharoplasty. I decided to do it now since I was out of work anyway. My mother had really bad eyesite because of the skin pushing down on her eyelids. She thought about having it done in her 50's but was always afraid of surgery.Before she past away when she was 70 she was going to finally have it done.I thought to myself might as well do it now. since it meant I couldn't run anyway and I'm not working.
Before surgery my eyes look good this day many days
the skin would push down on my lash line
Yes, I know this is scarry looking but they will be fine when they heal.
Just a FYI I am not promoting plastic surgery to anyone. It is an individual thing. I am not trying to look young. I know I already look young. I just want to look good for my age which is 42.
I have had great advice from my girlfriends who had breast augmentations. So after taking to them I came to my own opinion. Just a little advise from me. You should first love and be happy with yourself before you have surgery and make sure you do it for yourself.
I know I will get a lot of flack about writing this and putting pictures up. But it's my blog and my friends need to hear it from me and not get the story wrong.
To my young followers remember I did this as an adult 42 years old. Your body changes many times during your life so first love your body and yourself.