Thursday, June 23, 2011

All of life is a journey.........
All of life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there. From A Little Book of Happiness
Our Whitney, White mountain and Hetch Hetchy trip was a blast.
We didn't make it up Whitney because none of us ever used ice axes before and we got a late start. Going up would not be the issue it would be coming down. So we made it up to almost 13,000ft. On July 14 Jerry and I will go up again less snow so we should make it up.
I was really shocked at how much snow was out there. Going through Tuolumne really opened my eyes on the conditions out There.
This year I will not do the JMT instead I will do a few fastpacks of 60-100 miles.
I am still trying to plan out ,my plan of attack. It will start with a 60 mile over night from Hetch Hetchy to Yosemite and back.
Been super busy this week. Heading out on Saturday to run Safety patrol at Western states 100. I get to run 32 miles and help my fellow runners along the way.
Good luck to all of you who are running Western states 100 it's not going to be easy with all the snow so stay positive and I will see you all out there.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
We did it we finished another San Diego 100. It was by far the most difficult for me and Andy. We have run this race together 4 times. Andy has finished 8 times and me 7. It was our very first 100 we ran together as a couple so it's special.
This year since no one seemed to be trained it took a lot of amazing runners out. Including me, but I manged to keep moving forward towards the finish line . Andy and I both felt like crap most of the race.
The heat killed us early on, and the night brought cold temps and wind chill factors. It must of been low 30's but with wind chill it felt much colder.
We had the best crew ever George Valesco. He put up with us the whole 30:10 min. it took for us to finish. Without him it would of been a hell of a lot harder. Just seeing him at each aid station made me smile.
This race is all about the awesome RD Scotty Mills and the wonderful volunteers. Thanks to all of you.
I am already getting ready for my next adventure this weekend. Heading up Mt. Whitney & White mountain peak both 14,000ft+ peaks. There is a shit load of snow, I'm hoping we can make it all the way up but since I am not very experienced in climbing in that kind of snow not sure how far we will get. I will be heading out on July 9 for the JMT so by then a lot of snow will be gone. So if I don't make it up this time. I will be going back up Whitney in a few weeks ;-) wish me luck.
Ok I'm off to REI to buy an ice axe and watch more videos on how to use it.
Thanks for sending me positive vibes during San Diego 100 ;-)

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

This weekend I will be running SD 100 I will be going for my 7 finish and Andy for number 8. It should be a blast and I hope we get some heat!!! I have been following some reports on PCT hikers in the Sierras and it's looking dicey for any sort of record so I am just going to Fastpack it without killing myself and to be honest with all that snow it won't happen. So the plan is to have fun and finish in 8-10 days instead of my usual 7 and under ;-)
I hope you all have an awesome weekend and stay out of trouble ;-)
Please send me positive vibes during the race.
"We know that not all addictions require treatment, because we run"-unknown

Saturday, June 04, 2011

"Hetch Hetchy is a grand landscape garden, one of nature's rarest and most precious mountain temples. As in Yosemite, the sublime rocks of its walls seem to glow with life . . . while birds, bees, and butterflies help the river and waterfalls to stir all the air into music. . . . These temple destroyers, devotees of ravaging commercialism, seem to have a perfect contempt for Nature, and, instead of lifting their eyes to the God of the mountains, lift them to the Almighty Dollar. . . . Dam Hetch Hetchy! As well dam for water-tanks the people's cathedrals and churches, for no holier temple has ever been consecrated by the heart of man." John Muir, "The Yosemite," Century, 1912, pp. 249-62.
What and awesome day with great friends, it was perfect. We saw a mama bear and her two cubs. Life doesn't get any better than this. She was so mellow and just hung out eating why the cubs ran around they were so curious about everything and such a joy to watch. I have never had a mama bear just hangout and be so calm. It was the third encounter I have have with a mama and cubs. First time she was very protective and I had to go way out of my way to go around since she seemed like she might charge at me if I came any closer. The second time they all ran away. So I felt lucky today ;-)
We were lucky that the weather was nice pretty much just right overcast and 60 ;-) we just did a day trip since snow was on it's way and the weather was going to get ugly.
I was surprised to see so many hikers and backpackers in the area, most of the time it's not to busy. There was a trail crew working on a rock fall near Wapama bridge. There are tons of trees down heading to TillTill valley. Also the food bridge is closed on the south trail that heads towards Yosemite. We ended up doing a couple out and backs before we heading for our final back to where we started.
I love this area and if you are ever heading to Yosemite make a stop by Hetch Hetchy it really is the hidden gem of Yosemite.
It's taper time I will be running San Diego 100 next weekend it's gonna be fun. Andy will be going for finish #8 and I will be going for finish #7 wish us luck.

Poor Rocky got sprayed by a skunk a couple nights ago that was no fun ;-(