Been here in Sierra Madre with Andy and Rocky enjoying the hot weather.

They said he has no business telling me anything or trying to harass me. The dude messed with the wrong person.
He always follows me when I'm coming down from a run at night in his car. I think he doesn't like woman because he never gives Jerry a hard time.
Once we got going again I got excited to be heading back for the last 50k.
I got really sleepy in Sunol we stopped for a break in the restroom before our big push on to Rose.
I will be running my Ohlone 131 mile run in her memory next week and will push myself just like she pushed hard in class. She would always tell me this is hard I can't do this but I would push her and make her dig deep. I taught her to never quit. She was tough and she was so very kind. I will remember all the good times we shared. I still find myself crying when I think of her. But I know she wants me to be happy.
Last week in class there were 3 ducks that came and sat down next to me at the park where we workout out. Donna was lying on the ground, in the middle of her push ups. I told her to stop lying there like the ducks. She said just call me Donna duck and I laughed. Yesterday during my run on Mission peak I saw two ducks. Then I came home to take Rocky out ,and we passed by a creek and I just happened to look down, and there was a duck. I know this was Donna's way of telling me she is ok. As you all know ,I have rubber duckie tattoos and collect rubber duckies. Now seeing ducks will mean so much more to me. It will mean Donna is with me. RIP Donna Lee aka Donna Duck
I had an awesome pacer who I enjoyed the last 20 miles, my boyfriend Andy Kumeda was there by my side. I only had one melt down and he was fine with it. Thanks sweetie. Also he took all these pictures ;-)