Rocky has a best friend and it's Boomer. Rocky took Boomer for a walk out along the Alameda creek trail.

There was a sign at the entrance to Quarry lakes that read "DOGS ON LEASH".
I belive this qualifies for dogs on leash, right?

Hope is nature's way of enabling us to survive so that we can discover nature itself.
For this day, acknowledge the restoring power of hope. Direct that power to bless all that needs healing in your life, including your negative attitudes and disappointments.
All the spiritual master tell us to make every decision and the choice as if our whole life could be changed because of it. Today, be mindful only of who you are in each and every action.
Pain Is a touchstone of spiritual progress.
Follow your pain as if it were a candle in the night, leading you to a place of decision. Clear choices can often heal your pain because they release your conflicts.
Starting Friday at 7am I am starting a 3 day fastpack on the Ohlone 50k course. I am doing the 3 days of 31 miles to test my gear and see how long it takes. It's all training for the PCT. I will spend the 1st night just outside of Del Valle. I will head back to Mission Peak and spend the night at Eagle springs on the 3rd day I will head back to Del Valle where I will finish sometime around 5pm. I might see some of you if your training for the Ohlone 50k. If anyone is interested to spend a night with me out on the trail let me know.
#1 WOD
25m weighted bear crawl(15 lb) 5 rounds for time of
row 500m & run 400m
25 push ups time(28:10)
25 pull ups(jumping)
25 m weighted bear crawl # 3 WOD
25 pull ups 4 rounds for time
25 push ups 30 knees to elbows
25 m bear crawl time( 8:19) 30 toes to ceiling,
#2 WOD (5 rounds) for time
row 500m, run 400m time(28:10)
#3 WOD
4 rounds: 30knees to elbows, 30 toes to ceiling , 30 abmat situps , 30 side sit ups 30 each side , 30 wall to ball time( 17:44 )
#4 WOD same as #1 WOD time (7:49)
My shirt says Fetish! what's yours?....I say crossfit ;) #5 WOD
5 times each no time 15 wall balls 10 lb ball, 15 ball cleans. 1.2 mile run for time (11:50). I had a lot of fun with todays challenge. I think I will be sore tomorrow.
Think rolling waves, warm sun, wet grass, fresh earth, crowded elevator, busy streets, birds singing. Get into all the sensations of life today. You don't need a lengthy meditation to connect to nature-just draw it in.
And never, never
Be afraid to die,
For I am waiting in the sky!I love you Momma Mia.......... Today we did Caroline 5 reps check it out, it took me 20 min.