And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
~Author Unknown

Here I go again Umstead 100 this will be my 4th time I have run it. Hope to get another sub 24 there. I love this race the people are awesome and it is a true test since you run a lot it's not like the mountain 100's I run where you get rest breaks. You have to make sure not to go out to fast since it is flat that's hard.
I plan to enjoy this run I will be thinking of my Mom and running for her since the race will be on the 9th anniversary of her death.
I will use her positive attitude and love of life to get me through.
I love and miss you Mom.
I paced Linda McFadden last weekend at Buffalo 100 that was fun. It was very cold but she did awesome as always.
Ok I would love it if you all sent me positive vibes during my run I will need them. Thanks xoxo
From my Mom............
Please don’t mourn for me
I’m still here, though you don’t see.
I’m right by your side each night and day
And within your heart I long to stay.
My body is gone but I’m always near
I’m everything you feel, see and hear.
My spirit is free but I’ll never depart
As long as you keep me alive in your heart.
I’ll never wander out of your sight.
I’m the brightest star on a warm summer night.
I’ll never go beyond your reach
I’m the warm, moist sand when you walk on the beach.
I’m the colourful leaves when winter comes ‘round
And the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I’m the beautiful flowers of which you’re so fond.
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.
I’m the first bright blossom you see in the spring.
The first shiny raindrop that storm clouds bring.
I’m the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine
And you see that the face in the moon is mine.
When you start thinking there’s no one to love you
Talk to me and I will listen.
I’ll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees.
And you’ll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
I’m the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
And the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep
I’m the smile you see on a stranger’s face
Just look for me………
I’m every place!