Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SET MY EYES ON THE PRIZE..........And along the way I got my mojo back..............
Ran Javelina Jundred this past weekend. I was excited to be back and was going to wear a costume for the first time. It is always held around Halloween and they encourage the runners to wear costumes. It's sort of a Halloween party with a hundred mile race thrown in.
I saw the award for best female prize and really wanted it all I had to do is #1 wear a costume #2 remain in the costume the whole 100 mile race and #3 finish the hundred miler.
I did all 3 and won the prize.
I went into the race lacking the confidence I once had since the last 3 hundreds went bad. Western states I got pulled mile 85 due to medical issues.
Had been having on going hamstring issues which limited my range of motion at AC 100 along with bladder infection early on. Made it to mile 75 and dropped because I could no longer lift my right leg.
Rio del lago 100 still having issues but figured I could gut it out. Wrong my head wasn't in the game ,either was my body, it failed me with a bladder infection and me starting my menstrual cycle and slight hamstring issue. So I was out at mile 80.

During this time I had met John Vigil who is a Chiropractor that is licensed in Fascial stretch therapy. He turned me on to this and he worked on me. The first time I noticed a huge difference. He is in Vegas so I had to find someone where I lived to do the work on me. There are only 6 licensed in Cali. and lucky for me Dr. Colle Hunt is close so I went to him for two sessions. Since then I have not had any pain what so ever on my right hamstring. I had been living with a dull pain off and on for two years. Now I have zero pain.

I had John work on me while I was in Vegas a few weeks ago after running a Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon. I have had only 4 sessions so far and it has cured any issues that I once had. I go to Dr. Hunt next week for my 5th session.
I was just a little nervous going into the race wondering if I should give up running 100 mile races since I have always said when its no longer fun I will quit doing them.
I must say I had a good run felt good most of the way. I decided not to push hard and just finish.
I love the course since it's 15 mile washing machine style loops. You get to see the runners and encourage each other.

I got my awesome pacer Shayna at mile 70 and she kept me going the whole way.
I felt strong and was having fun.
I thought it would take me 26 1/2 hours and to my surprise I PR'd the course, I ran 25:39. I was super happy to have found my lost Mojo out on the course in the desert.
I want to thank the RD's Jamil & Nick for putting on a very well organized event. Also thanks to all the volunteers for being so awesome. And thanks to Justin for letting Andy and I crash and your pad and all my friends for helping get me in and out of the aid stations and my awesome pacer Shayna.
Be thankful for having a healthy mind and body. I know I am.

This was my 5th hundred mile finish for the year and it was the 72nd time I have run 100 miles .

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude."

Denis Waitley

I had a super fun weekend. Andy, Rocky and I camped on Mt. Diablo Friday night and worked Mt. Diablo 50k on Saturday.
We had a few Raccoons visit us during the night but we all slept well in our tent.

We rushed to get up on Diablo Friday before the gate closed so all I had was an apple to eat and Andy bought a sandwich for Saturday but ate it for dinner.
In the morning I drove out to get some food and espresso for us.

We worked the race all day and Andy swept 5 miles and I swept 9. The weather was awesome.
All the runners did great and it was fun helping out.
Sunday the weather sucked so we didn't get to take Rocky up Mission Peak instead we hung out and drove to the Cemetery where my parents are buried it was my Dad's b-day do brought flowers and a pumpkin.

We went to the movies to see Social Network, it was good ;-)
I took Andy to the airport this morning. We will see each other again on Thursday in Arizona we are both running Javelina hundred this weekend it's going to be a blast!!1

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~
John Muir,

Here are a few pics. from my Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim 50 mile run. It was a blast. There must of been 50 runners out on the trail along with around 300 hikers. It was a very busy day in the Canyon that's for sure.
Jerry, Mylinh, Joe and I started together butI wanted to run down pretty fast so took off after 15 min.

I waited for Jerry somewhere along the trail and we stayed together most of the way going to the North Rim.

The weather was perfect I think high was 88 and it wasn't cold like last year on the climb out.

I felt good most of the way, we took our side trip to Ribbon falls which is a must see.
We finished in 16:42 was was 2 hours faster than last year ;-) I had a tough time climbing out last year this year I had more energy.
The last two miles on both climbs are the crux for me.

It was awesome seeing all the headlights at night snaking there way up the trail. Just like in a race at night ;-)
We hung out in the morning on Sunday but headed back to Vegas to get a room close to Mt. Charleston so we could do a run out there. It was beautiful out on the trail and it was nice and warm, last year was really cold.
We finished our run and I had an appointment with Dr. John Vigil in Vegas he introduced me to Fascial stretch therapy it has healed my hamstring issue I was having for a couple years.
There are not to many people doing this therapy but I am sold on it. It truly worked for me I have had no issues in over 30 days no if a sign of dull pain.

We ended our trip by jumping off the Stratosphere 900ft that was awesome. Thanks Jerry that was one of the funniest things I have ever done ;-)
If you are in Vegas people make sure to do the jump it is a blast!!!!!

Oh and I visited with one of my best friends Paul Williams who I lost touch with 17 years ago. It was like we were never apart. Looking forward to visiting him in Vegas again soon!

This weekend Rocky, Andy and I will be working Mt. Diablo 50k at Juniper aid station make sure to say hi to us ;-)

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

BRAND NEW BEGINNING...........Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.Marcus Aurelius

This video is from last weekends Back to Back 50ks on the Ohlone wilderness trail.

I'm heading to Vegas tomorrow running Rim To Rim To Rim in the Grand Canyon with friends this weekend super stoked that a bunch of friends from SoCal will be there.

It's gonna be a blast. Sad that my boyfriend Andy Kumeda won't be joining us. We will do a couples getaway in May there, I want to show him the Grand Canyon. He just ran a PR at St. George marathon 3:14 I can't believe how speedy he is with no training he is one of the most amazing runners I know.

We will run Mt. Charleston on Monday & do the Skyjump off the Stratosphere. I am so excited about the trip. Hope you all have a very exciting weekend training or racing or just hanging out with the ones you love.